Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The all knowing all seeing fools


This is not the place to come if you want to find information about the Dominican Republic.

It is the place to come if you want to view or read opinions of the ex pats and a few Dominicans that live there, clouded over by the opinions of North Americans and a few Europeans who truly believe they know all.

This is a sort history of my Experiences of the “Parent Board, “DR1.com and its estranged wives, lifeinthedr.com/forum and drsol.com

First, I will try to give you a slight rundown of the actors; it is confusing at best, laughable at truth and very sad in reality.

These are people with nothing to do day in and out but to sit at a computer and tell you how great they are, how bad some others may be and what a wonderful place their part of the country is

You really need to view the media gallery on DR1.com to put a face to these people to get the true impact and ability to kill yourself laughing at their posts

Lest start with some of the principles;

Robert One of the proprietors of DR1. He believes in his soul that DR1 is the greatest thing since beer, can not ever be wrong about anything, especially Footbal, wrong and will Praise you one moment and gut you the next, whatever serves his purpose

He will regale you with his travels, how he established businesses on 6 continents, had lovers from 23 countries etc., in reality he is a dumpy
Little Englishman who couldn’t get laid until he went to the DR and paid.

Dolores The other owner of DR1, the money behind the game. She desperately believes herself to be a meteorologist, Intellect, economist, and the second coming of Coco Chanel

Hillbilly They say he is not Dominican but has lived in the DR longer than the DR has been a country, so what do you call him? As a rule he is helpful and knowledgeable, but dare challenge him on hi suggestions and you get chastised, rebuffed and thoroughly insulted

Rocky An owner of a somewhat dubious eatery in Sosua, depending on who is talking his place is either Four seasons or Somali fast food. He is the self appointed Police Chief of Sosua, the man of Law and Order and always ready to face down the evils that may harm the tourism or his townsfolk,. (Check the media gallery, Barney Fife quickly comes to mind)

Escott Formerly the buddy of Rocky, now his hated nemesis. He believes himself the Donald trump and Wolfgang Puck of the DR combined! He will thrill you with takes of money made, women conquered and dinners with the president, he also owns a Sosua eatery of questionable renown (Starting to get the picture?) Rocky claims people have received food poisoning at Escott's restaurant, Quixote’s

GWB Or Bushbaby as he likes to be known (Banana Leaf Papa to the sex tourist crowd). An aged Canadian that seems to border on pedophilia except for the equally aged lady he lives with; she who must be obeyed or “Ginny” They seem to make a living out of doing “favors” for newcomers then add a little “well if you are coming down, could you bring me” Harmless all in all, but very sanctimonious

Ginnie Other half of GWB, literally, though they live in same condo, they post and talk with each other online as if they hardly know one another. You know, one says it is raining and the other immediately pipes in with “Of course Ginnie Dear, you are correct” Not exactly their type of comment but you get the drift

AZB An Arab Chiropractor (What a shock, huh?) who apparently could not make it in the USA, He is in his 40’s or 50’s, paunchy and bald and loves to talk of his conquests of ‘University girls” The conquest of a University girl takes 20 dollars, nothing else needed

Miguel A stubby little mouth that never quits, tells you how he holds doors for ladies in one breath, how he knocked out Joe Louis with the other. He is good for entertainment value only, and be careful, when he starts writing it is pages upon pages of nothing, just read first and last sentence A person suffering from a serious inferiority complex

NALS A Dominican in Exile who believes he knows the answer to all of the world’s problems, as long as he can find them on the internet. Need I say more?

Chris Female version, a displaced (from several countries she is displaced) Afrikaner who has such a high opinion of herself no one need offer another, care to ask her? She claims to be in either the Satellite technology business or organic chocolate body lotions sales, you decide. Oh yes, she is also a certified Doctor of Meteorology and Master Electrician

Domicanscot Claims to be a “Correctional “officer in the USA with friends in high places. This “Correctional Officer” carries a gun and badge, so beware
Remember what Jimmy Cagney called Correctional Officers, Screws and Duds this guy apparently runs another website that caters to men posting about their conquests of Dominican hookers, what a man what a man

AnnaC A poor old Canadian who has seen better days, she controls the section about love connection in the DR, need I say more?

Chuckuindy Actually a breath of fresh air. A 60ish Gentleman that makes no secret that he goes to the DR to have sex with younger girls and pay of it, He harbors no illusions and his candid style earns him much hatred from many of the board. If nothing else, the mans says it like it is

Ken He has many posts but hasn’t been doing much in my tenure. He appears to be a decent retired man with his wife living in a condo near Sosua with his main concern being the rules and regulations of his condo association.
He also says he was once a boatman and offers much advice on sailing the Caribbean Think retired bean counter nervously trying to squeeze one more drop of prune juice out of that bottle

Mirador If you can figure him out good luck, he appears by his knowledge of times past and current events to be an aged intellectual that spent too much time partaking in the mood altering substances of the 60’s

DannyW One of those rare participants who use the board to gather information for living in the DR, does not become involved in controversy and generally asks questions but is quick to offer help only if he has actual knowledge

Rtejeda new to the system, very radical political agenda, not sure what it is but seems to run contrary to those on the forum intelligent enough to understand what he is saying

RickSnyder Retired US Military man, extremely anal and unable to think outside the box, takes him a half hour to day good evening

Laurapasinifan Has a girlfriend in DR, enjoys extreme sports and generally asked pointed questions until he was set upon by the dogs. Now he will sometimes act as the others, but generally appears to have a life outside of his computer

CamdenTom Real estate guy moving from USA to DR, doesn’t say much unless it is to attack other people? Lacks the courage to stand up to anyone, especially women. If confronted he will quickly try to say the other person is an imposter out “to get him,” (Like someone would want him?)

XR another Tom, runs a competing board after fighting on DR1.com He is described as a tattooed bejeweled Napoleon living in the woods someplace East of Cabarete

Twhiteehad As Tom’s go along, a seeming backstabbing loyalty flipping creature, follows the crowd he believes will most accept him, none do except in his very small capacity mind

Diego Owner and Administrator of lifeinthedr.com/forum. Uses the forum to primarily promote his latinaffiars.com pay for your wife site

HOWMAR Frustrated lawyer wannabe, actually a file clerk at Wal-Mart warehouse that dispenses reams of incorrect information in an “Authoritative” manner, real bullshit artist


At Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok now what about you?

At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:46:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it. You hit a lot of nails directly on the head. Only one you were wrong about is me! (Smile)


At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:03:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was funny! And, although I don´t agree on all, I must say your descriptions are very, very close. I would have guessed many names even if you shouldn´t have mentioned them and just put descriptions!!

At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:08:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christa have offered us her products. Her daughter acutally was the one contacting us. We desided not to buy though, for various reasons.

Main reason being that products are not from here, they are bought from other countries, among them a British wellknown company, and repacked & renamed in DR by her.

She lived here in Sosua once, but with no money and lots of enemies it was impossible and they moved to a small town, hiding on the countryside.

At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More truthful words were never spoken. I can't find this link on DR1?

At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More truthful words were never spoken. I can't find this link on DR1?

At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi scott, nice blog

At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had me laughing.. your descriptions are well made!

A suggestion, maybe we should put a pot out on Calle Pedro Clisante in Sosua and make a collect, so the "man of order" as you describe him, finally can afford to get a residency and live here legally.
If we don´t get too many donators we might at least be able to afford a drivers licence for him.
Man...the onces who talks the most....

At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna C, the Canadian Dr Ruth of Dr1...
You forgot to mention that she is the queen on PM´s ( private messaging ).
The hold hands online, she gives support to anyone in trouble with sankies and she speaks bad about the same people while sending pm´s to others, whom she is backstabbing as well.
The poor lady doesn´t have a life, that´s why so let´s forgive her for living her life online messing with other peoples love life.
Her only friends in DR are some of the crowd she met online on DR1, like Christa the Displaced and Rocky the Man of Law.

At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carina. Is your middle name Sue?

At Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:45:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the author hiding under a "rug"?

At Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:28:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At Thursday, July 27, 2006 3:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let´s not forget Darlene aka Planner on DR1. A wannabe of high grade, who thinks her past can not be found and claims she is a financial planner, a marketer and god knows what. She sold insurances in Canada! Married a sankie , and have so far been fired from all her jobs incl. at SunVillage Resort. She lies and hangs in Playa Dorada hoping that the owners of various services there will see her, although everyone knows already she has no references and have done nothing of importance since she came. She dates young locals around 20, and is almost 50 herself. She is broke financially and convinced that she is a gift to all companies, and the now around 10 companies that have fired her the last 2-3 years are all wrong.
This woman had a blog on DR1 bfore, full of lies, stolen photos and info on clients, that she couldn´t name... Because they were only existing in her imagination!!!!!

At Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there "anonymous"! No Sue is not my middle name, it does not even exist in the country where I come from.

I always use my own name, even as a username , post what I can sign, and think the rest.
So sorry, can not take the blame for this one, search on.

Seems there is a little bashing in here for all, so what´s the big deal?
There is no place on earth where everybody loves everybody.
Bash on, but why not sign with your names? It seems popular to be anonymous nowadays...

BTW, I think Howmar, who I do not know and have met only once with a quick hello, is rather helpful on DR1. See different views? That is fine!

At Monday, July 31, 2006 6:04:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and who, other than Carina spells "desided" this way? okay, whatever you say, Sue.

At Monday, July 31, 2006 1:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carina! Does the name "skrojsan" exist in the country where you come from? Whatever would have made you change dr1 screen names if your above statement is true?

At Tuesday, August 01, 2006 2:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have something against the girls of the North Coast, don't you? You're attacking Planner in this same thread, too. Your name is written all over it, so why try to remain anonymous?

At Wednesday, August 02, 2006 4:37:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to have caused some confusion here, and I am sorry for that. The same person who despises Christa in these comments appears to be attacking Planner, and I wonder why she's so jealous of all the women on the North Coast. This is not a slight against you, so I do apologize that it appeared this way. Now that I look further into the "planner" comment, I realize this "anonymous" is Brian Wales, and the other "anonymous" is Carina/skrojsan/Sue whoever she wants to be today, even though she always only signs her own name.


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