Thursday, August 03, 2006

A plea for help

We need some help!!! We do not have the deep knowledge of most of the board posters that many of you have, so without knowing the “background” of these posters it is impossible to parody them with any flair

So, we ask that you send us any snippets or information about habits and personal “gripes” that may allow us to continue

Completely understand if you aren’t interested, but it never hurts to ask

After reading the “boards” for a couple weeks, it is apparent is about the only one with life of late, and just have very little activity, but we do go there and find what we can

So, a few questions, and this IS NOT comprehensive so feel free to send us any and all information you may think is useful.

We have noticed an ongoing controversy regarding a bank, Transacciones Financieras, S.A and zmth? In Puerto Plata The curious thing is the involvement BushBaby and Lambada in a stirring defense of these institutions and the criticism of the investor. What is the connection between BB and Lambada that they put down the investor and support the banks?

A question that may take eternity to answer and probably deserves its own message board: What is the problem, the ORIGINAL problem between Rocky and Escott? It appears they were once business associates? Is this furious battle really about a turkey???This might also explain the conflict between Escott and many of Rocky's friends

Why does Robert distain anything American, especially football?

Does Mirador really do drugs, or is there a story behind his paranoia?

What is the background of Chris? Is she really an Afrikaner?

Ducado, anyone want to try and tackle that one?

And the one that is driving us nuts, who is poor poster #3 and why is it so hard? The key is a play on words of our clue, think about them ????

As usual, if you don’t want your comments posted please say DO NOT PUBLISH on submission

We sincerely appreciate any and all help and hope to provide a wee bit of entertainment for you :-)


At Thursday, August 03, 2006 1:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ducado, anyone want to try and tackle that one?

Ducado does not post on DR!

At Thursday, August 03, 2006 1:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a waste of time.

you people should get a life, seriously.

At Thursday, August 03, 2006 6:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The conflict isn't because of anything other than Scott being an total ass! Someone obviously had enough of his crap and decided to try to do something about it.

Anyone that would consider Scott a friend had better be careful....he WILL screw you over - just give it time!

At Thursday, August 03, 2006 7:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott and Marco were once best friends, Scoot even lending Marco money and investing in Rockys Blues Bar (Marco's Bar)

The entire argument was over inviting or uninviting certain people to a party Scott promoted at Marco's

Silliest thing in the world now both of them go at it like two teens in a lovers squabble

Both parties have their followers and detractors, it is like a sad soap opera

Much of it has to do with ego, both Scott and Marco have to be the most important person on the North Coast, read deeper and you will laugh if it doesn't make you cry

At Thursday, August 03, 2006 7:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sad and very obvious Miguel, DR1 is down so you have time to work on your Blog, the Snotty Stories?

Will you publish this? I'm not sure, but seeing that this is about a stupid little man that thinks he is Casanova, I know anther site that will publish it

Miguel is nothing but a poor little creature whose Dominican girlfriend (Ambar) dumped him and he hasn't found another girl that will look at him yet. He spends his entire life posting on DR1, almost all of it childish negative remarks about one person

If there is a person that should be afraid it would be Miguel

At Friday, August 04, 2006 2:49:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh ricky, hahahahahahahaha!!.

At Friday, August 04, 2006 8:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ricky Retardo, when this blog's owner farted, did you came out?.

Or was it she who came out of your mucho grande culo?.

Retardo, can I call you Rick "the brown-noser" Retardo?.


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