Who is it # 4
Whatever happened to poor old #3, he doesn't take being ignored well at all, thrives on attention. Give him a shot
It appears our “Summary” is gaining little favor, so back to the posters.
It is increasingly difficult to do this as there are a only a fixed number of posters, an even smaller number of posters who are “colorful” and nearly impossible to find one to “guess” without being too obvious
So, we ask you submit names you would like to see us “roast” and in your comment, state do not publish so the name won’t appear before we try and stump you
And now
He is the man from the Land of Evangeline, or could in be from the land of Osama Bin Laden? He is a Real Estate Mogul, courtier to Princes, Entrepreneur extraordinaire. He may be responsible for Osama Bin Laden’s hate of the West.
He has been banned from more bulleting boards than currently exist, he hires people and proclaims they are the greatest thing since free food, then fires them two days later saying they are back stabbers. (not possible HE could be the one with the problem is it?) He spends most of his day drunk, admittedly passing out before 21:00 each night, it is believed he has one friend on the boards, but we have not been able to find him
His post are “quirky” to say it mildly, he speaks with authority one moment than asks if it true there is a tooth Fairy in the next, fluxuates from all knowing to childlike in a heartbeat
He has done EVERYTHING bigger better and faster than anyone here, but lives in the middle of the woods with a giant bathtub and drives a 1958 Edsel with a picnic cooler in the boot.
He is so well liked a local attacked his house with his automobile causing considerable damage.
He has at least 17 different board names (According to sources) and been banned with all, safe to say few people become close friends
Will the first person signing in discover the true identity of this poster? If not, we may have to ask the World renowned Detectives CamdenTom , Celt 2002, Rocky or Ducado to solve this
has to be ducado
gotta be XR
by the way, my guess was a "haha". I know who you're really talking about, but prefer to remain neutral on this touchy subject.
This is a 'No Brainer'. Hasn't this chap just fired his lawyer after SHE decided she didn't want to represent him anymore?? After reading his comments on Lawyers & seeing his request for referals to "the 'oxymoron' of a RELIABLE & HONEST lawyer" my guess is that Brian Wales (Ducado) is unlikely to get any takers ............ unless they are just after his remaining money or business that is!!
Ducado of course but I think it was his Winery that was damaged not the Finca.
Hey, you got to be talking about my Bro - the Big Mouth that has done it all, everywhere & still ended up a loser in a third world country!! He the one who maons & groans about peoples spelling & grammar(note the hard achieved English spelling) mistakes whilst committing his own in the VERY SAME POST!!
He's got a British Passport but he says he ain't British?? ETON COLLEGE?????? Not according to the registrar of Eton College - they hadn't heard of a Brian Eric Wales!! So, where was my Bro dragged up?
Hi Thanks for the roasting very funny but some inaccurate. I am not from the Land of Evangeline - I lived just outside Halifax - 20K - I am English.
Spends most of his day drunk -
I have never been drunk in my life - Did your Mother never teach you - early to bed, early to rise , makes you ............etc
I am up at 6 every day and Monday to Friday currently am on the road. Been breathalysed twice by the Halifax Mafia Cops - my license is spotless.
I do not drive a 58 Edsel
The damage was done to my Bodega - no one would get close to my house without being ........ never mind ..... that's security.
Otherwise very funny keep it up.
Unfortunately you only have pasty boy and his 5 member discussion group to have a g0o at now.
Good Luck.
trina said...
by the way, my guess was a "haha". I know who you're really talking about, but prefer to remain neutral on this touchy subject.
Trina, a HaHa is a funny old gate system in England. It stops animals escaping but allows reasonably intelligent Humans to enter or exit the field or whatever.
Never drunk? What a load of bullshit!
Greg at Coastal banned him for being drunk and abusing his customers.
He's a drunk in denial, all of us that live on the north coast know that.
Anonymous said...
Never drunk? What a load of bullshit!
Greg at Coastal banned him for being drunk and abusing his customers.
He's a drunk in denial, all of us that live on the north coast know that.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 8:29:57 PM
Absolutely untrue. Amazing how disgusting people can be when they don't have to post their own name. Why do you want to hide/ because you cannot back up what you are saying - If you want the TRUTH about why I don't give Coastal any business ask me - don't take the word of a pathetic little liar.
Are you now calling Greg a pathetic liar?
Greg is very well liked and respected here on the north coast, unlike yourself.
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