A sad waste of talent
We are getting some really informative and witty comments about posters, but they can't seem to make it over to the forum for posting
PLEASE follow the URL and don't use the comments, we have no way of knowing if what you say is true and we will not move and re post anymore comments not directly related to this blog
That message board will not bite, there are no IP's (That we know of) no unique hits etc, just a message board that we can delete messages (From DR1 Idiot) and allow you to interact with one another without us re psoting everything.
Give it a try!
The noble Englishwomans true style
This was found posted on the Anti Scot blog, my opinion of MS Ginnie Bedgood has been forever diminished
"Ginnie Bedggood said:
In reply to 'wondering' - the targeted audience are definitely NOT the only readers. I discovered this quite by accident when speaking to a Dominican neighbour who is a business person with interests in Sosua. I understand that quite a number of Dominicans who read English have read this blog. I was surprised by this, myself, thinking that Dominicans wouldn't pay much attention.
But it appears they do. "
This was posted in reply, whether it gets posted or not we will see, but it is being sent around so if those et that blog use their usual selective rejection, you still may see how any association with that blog taints one.
To Ginnie
I formerly read many of your posts on DR1 and your news on Drsol with much interest, your participation and comments here have diminished any credibility you had with this reader. You had always "pretended" to be above this backyard gossip and cowardly method of attack, those that post garbage about others are no better than those they attack, in fact of a lower social and ethical stature
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