Rocky hits new low
Every once in a while we get a message that causes us to resurrect our little blog
Seems like the mighty Rocky is at it again
From anonymous @ 06:27
I have to agree with the poster that Rocky has hit a new low, doing his warped best to attack Escott and using a Children's charity as his vehicle
Shame on you Rocky
Looks as though they shut down Rockies’ hate Blogs and now he is using DR1 to promote his Anti Escott campaign?
Too bad that lowly cowering coward is using a charity that benefits children to promote his personal vendetta, but could anyone expect more from such a piece of human garbage?
Looks like the "Bushes" have solidly aligned themselves with Rocky, so much for their elitism
Hand in the cookie jar?
Does the wording of this post by Rocky sound familiar?
Gold Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 4,917
Originally Posted by Malibook
Some words automatically get bleeped out here.
Like sh!t, p!ss, c*nt, a$$h0le, .....
And it looks like someone is trying to get out of the frying pan, as this note I received, suggests.
I was just on the hate board, and noticed that the snotman has taken the Dominican Kids website link out of his signature!
"snotman" was a favorite buzzword used by the so called "Tracy" of the hate blogs. Look like Rocky slipped up again in further confirming his participation in the hate blogs
Now that they were shut down, he is using DR1 to try and attack Scott who is smart enough to ignore the ramblings of Rocky and a few buddies, like the Bush family who supposedlt didn't support Rockys behavior????????????
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