Poor Christa
Christa (IP)
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August 29, 2006 13:40:16
August 20, 2006 22:19:20
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Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 13:40:16
I am not surprised Christa finds these comments offensive but they appear to be valid and if they are not, please tell us which one (s) violate the TOSAnyone can say they are not happy with comments but that does not mean they are not truthful and or acceptable, most people know Christa LaRoux to by a fraud, scammer and fugitive from justice, racist South African Boer and child abuser
Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 13:14:32
I'm so sorry, the offending comments are back. They also posted my e-mail addres and my work website on their site. Same thread I am such a sweet person that never says anything bad about anyone, please save me from the evil truth sayersRe: Chris/ChristaOK Vlad, sorry about the problemChrista is definitely a South African, a Boer by her own admission. the Boer's are likely the greatest racisst in history, the very term Apartheid come from their actions against the poor blacks of South Africa. If she finds this offensive , good. so does the rest of the World, probably why South Africa has so many sanctions and why they are disliked almost Universally, I would hide also, this is about the fourth country she has tried hiding inAsk around sosua about how she has cheatyed many people out of rent, services and goods. She and her husband Richard are Con artists pure and simpleAs for her "fraud," that is well documentedShe claims to be a Meteorologist when she simply cuts and pastes from available online weather reportsShe claims o be an "Internet Systems Engineer" when in fact she can barley operate WindowsAnother DR person has repeatedly said she committed , or at least attempted to commit land frauds in the Punta Rucia are of the DRShe claims to be an International purveyor of "Body lotions: when in fact she buys junk wholesale from England, re packages it and sells under her own label.Today she blabbers about Satellites, too bad she has no idea what she is talking about and has culled information from another site and claism it to be her "Treatise"I say Christa is a fraud and stand by it, let he prove me wrong. She certainly has a big enough mouth and propensity to postLet her deny her own Daughter had to bring Court action regarding her Granddaughter
Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 29, 2006 11:54:51
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Dear Christa,This account has now been restored, they have checked their email and removed the indicated post. We have also warned them of our Terms of Service Rules and Regulations.If you have any further problems, and the website owner will not resolve the problem, please let us know.
There is nothing we can do about them posting the truth, if you are truly what they say that is your problem
Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09
I really thank you for this, poor little sweey ole me is just horrified by these eveil people unmasking meChrista.
Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09
I have now written to the webmaster of this forum and the offending and untrue statements are still there. What else can I do? Can you invoke your policies to remove it? Please please, who will save me from the railroad tracks. I am so sweet an innocent, help me pleaseThis is the forum http://pub30.bravenet.com/forum/2560406483/This is the thread http://pub30.bravenet.com/forum/2560406483/show/972221And the post is by poster Nelson, the 3rd post in the tread, there is objectionable, racially libellous and untrue content.I have never participated in this forum. I am not a member. I do not know who these people are.
Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09
I think I have found the webmaster email. I have written and sent the below email to clampjaw@hotmail.com.Webmaster of bravenet forum http://pub30.bravenet.com/forum/2560406483/On this thread http://pub30.bravenet.com/forum/2560406483/show/972221on the post by the poster Nelson, the 3rd post in the tread, there is objectionable, racially libellous and untrue content.According to Bravenet's policies, once I report this to you, you have 24 hours to remove it
Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09
I have tried to write the webmaster of this forum but cannot seem to find an address or even the ability to post on the forum to give at least the 24 hours notice for this content to be deleted.I you can give me a link where I can write to the webmaster, I'll appreciate it. ThanksChrista
Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09
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Dear Christa,The website owner is responsible for moderating their own site. A minimum of 24 hours should be given to the webmaster to remove any inappropriate content.Have you contacted the webmaster regarding this matter?If so, please paste the e-mail and/or post that you have sent to them, as well as the inappropriate content (a specific URL/Website Address if possible) from their site.Thank you.
Member [Christa]
August 20, 2006 22:19:20
This statement and I quote .. " PLEASE let me go back to my original opinion!!!!!!!!!!!! Christa, the Apartheid loving Boer posts a bull **** rant about someone else, but when it is brought up that she is a Kaffer hating (Watch out Dominicans) Boer from South Africa, a follower of FW de Klerk, no one wants to hear about it. well I sure do, racism is disgusting, certainly when you make a career out of it.She is so ashamed of what she once practiced (Apartheid) that she sought US citizenship as South Africans are shunned in almost every country in the world, SO she marries and American con artist and continues her practice of fraud, deceit and deceptionI surely hope you will let this post remain"According to your Service Limitations, Section (a), we hope that you will close this forum down, as it is only there to post content about a list of posters on another board. I am the person referred to in this post and the content is untrue and offensive, hurtful and racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;. Posted From: http://www.bravenet.com/global/abuse.php
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It looks like this blog has turned into another Marco/Crista/Escott battleground.
I guess it's easier to attack and accuse a few individuals, than to parody what goes on in the message boards.
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