Sunday, December 10, 2006

To Dyck

What's wrong with exposing a thief?.How come you don't feel sorry for the kids, you know, the ones that aren't getting the donations?. What about them?.Rocky is just telling it like it is.The "snotman" is gargabe and whomever assiciates with him, eventually turns to garbage. Publish this comment. Reject this comment. Moderatecomments for this blog. Posted by EscottIsADyck to Know it alls in DRat 12/09/2006 07:46:16 PM

Dyck, I don’t know Escott so I can not pass judgment on him. Please factually expalin why is "Gargabe"

Dyck, I don't know Escott so please factually explain how his associates turn to garbage, please name at least 12

Dyck, I don't know Rocky so please explai here how "Rocky knows"
Just like I don’t know Rocky, only from reading the Internet what is going on

Have you asked Rocky to provide a balance sheet for every dollar and every piece of wrapping paper donated?

I do feel very sorry for the poor of any country and have tried more ways than you would imagine to make their lives better in my own ways, none of us can change the world but many try little bits at a time

My opinion, based on past actions and post is that Rocky is not really concerned about any money or donations made, otherwise he would have made it an issue before

It appears he is using this as an underhanded way to attack Escott and in the interim boost praise for himself in his Christmas efforts

I applaud Rocky for his Christmas program, I am disgusted with his inserting “I’m not tooting my own horn, BUT in almost every comment he makes while he continues to tell eveyone how wonderful he is. It may be just my personal opinion, but I don't respect ANYONE who does a good deeed than stands on a podium and says "look, I done good", He is without a doubt the very worst offender I have seen at backhanded insults and self promotion, maybe he does not even know it. He appears to be a very insecure person and constantly reaches out for any type of recognition.

From what I have read the children will soon receive medical care assisted by a 20% return on investment

I don’t understand the problem other than the typical 4-5 drunk/drugged ex-pats that kiss Rocky’s ass complaining?

Was there timetable set up for the start of the dental services?

Has ANY money been misappropriated?

Pleases let me know of ANY wrongdoing (Other than in the mind of Rocky and his followers) performed by this charity and I will be more than happy to spread and post it everywhere.

I think you are really interested in the money being spent faithfully, don’t let Rockies’ rantings sway you from the truth

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Rocky hits new low

Every once in a while we get a message that causes us to resurrect our little blog

Seems like the mighty Rocky is at it again

From anonymous @ 06:27

I have to agree with the poster that Rocky has hit a new low, doing his warped best to attack Escott and using a Children's charity as his vehicle

Shame on you Rocky

Looks as though they shut down Rockies’ hate Blogs and now he is using DR1 to promote his Anti Escott campaign?

Too bad that lowly cowering coward is using a charity that benefits children to promote his personal vendetta, but could anyone expect more from such a piece of human garbage?

Looks like the "Bushes" have solidly aligned themselves with Rocky, so much for their elitism

Thursday, October 26, 2006

CPR Just when we though we had died

Anonymous said...
Are you talking about Ducado?. How in hell is it going to he pushished here when this blod was to make fun of DR1 members.Last I heard, Ducado is not a DR1 member.Is it true Trina is this blog's writer?.
Friday, September 29, 2006 3:12:26 PM
Anonymous said...
What happened to your buddies over on the obsession blog?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:23:22 AM

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Diego and Child Porn??????

This is something new, anyone know anything about this? Looks like a certain blog wants to keep it quiet

I have children also said...
DO YOU DARE PUBLISH THIS, I DON'T THINK THE SO CALLED EXPOSE BLOG DOES FOR reason OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST??????? Do the facts scare them?The truth about the so called Expose blog. Do they work for and with Diego and others to promote their agenda and suppress the truth? Why don't they report the FACTS and let the readers decide? What is the cover-up?They claim to report only "facts" when everything reported so far has been innuendo, while there are "facts" regarding Diego they are either afraid or have a compelling reason to NOT report them. You decide.

Tracy said... "I have children also said... Your reasoning is painfully obvious. there were many newspaper and first hand reports about Diego's arrest, the confiscation of his computer files and so forth. of course he says it was a setup, what would one expect But then again, if you are biased better to attack someone who has never been charged with anything than to go after the real child molesters, right?You can reply with whatever smart aleck reply you wish, but actions or lack of speak far louder than words

"I am not a smart (no one should EVER accuse you of that) aleck.I have presented you with an opportunity to substantiate your allegations. (seems you have yourself, why not follow up?) You can do it in public or in private by way of the comment section, titling your comment as "Not to be posted", if you prefer it to be private.This is the last opportunity I am offering.Anymore insinuations that I am protecting Diego will just be deleted.(What a shock, don't EVER let the truth get in the way of your slander blog))Either you have information, or you don't.We will not lower the standards of EXPOSE (LOWER, what is lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut?)to make you happy. We may get comical and even sarcastic at times, but we remain immune to anything resembling the truth.. 1:38 PM

The day you become factual is the same day Ducado sobers up, admit the truth everyone else already knowsDiego's story was profiled on DR1 and Life in the DR, of course it is deleted now but any good "Expose" reporter should be able to dig it upIt's too bad, up until now you have bee doing quite well showing some for what they really are. Once you start protecting one person your whole credibility is shot.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:07:35 PM

Saturday, September 02, 2006

You waste your entire night on that?

When many many different people started comments saying they know for sure it is Marco, Graham and Miguel operating the anti scott and other dumb blogs, they became nervous and do anything they can to prevent you all from reading the truth

We had to return to moderating comments for the children

It is safe to read that large comment section now, we spent almost 20 minutes removing the graffiti

Please help us understand

The purpose of the so called anti escott blog was to force him away? yet Marco, Grahame and Miguel spend over 3 hours posting his entire blog into our comment section giving escott more coverage/ We have to post his link here because we got so many request wanting to know where his blog was after so many people read the comments

I wish I could understand the unbalanced minds of these there, maybe it is Miguel's sexual problems and rejection by Amber, Grahame not being able to post on XR's board and Marco being caught in so many lies that set them off?

one other; is thomas d'alfonso the TomD we have had comments on?

Sometimes it may take days of your comments to be published (Unlike Marco and friends we have a life) but they will eventually if you wish to make your thoughts seen

Have fun kids

Thursday, August 31, 2006

All Too True

This comment sums it up perfectly.

This blog is no longer any fun and too much work for nothing. there is enough hate and stupidity out there without our adding to it

we leave those of you that are truly desperate to the likes on Enquirer or the whatever blogs

1 Comment Close this window

Anonymous said...
It looks like this blog has turned into another Marco/Crista/Escott battleground.I guess it's easier to attack and accuse a few individuals, than to parody what goes on in the message boards.
Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:39:53 PM

Poor Christa


Christa (IP)


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Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 13:40:16
I am not surprised Christa finds these comments offensive but they appear to be valid and if they are not, please tell us which one (s) violate the TOSAnyone can say they are not happy with comments but that does not mean they are not truthful and or acceptable, most people know Christa LaRoux to by a fraud, scammer and fugitive from justice, racist South African Boer and child abuser

Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 13:14:32

I'm so sorry, the offending comments are back. They also posted my e-mail addres and my work website on their site. Same thread I am such a sweet person that never says anything bad about anyone, please save me from the evil truth sayersRe: Chris/ChristaOK Vlad, sorry about the problemChrista is definitely a South African, a Boer by her own admission. the Boer's are likely the greatest racisst in history, the very term Apartheid come from their actions against the poor blacks of South Africa. If she finds this offensive , good. so does the rest of the World, probably why South Africa has so many sanctions and why they are disliked almost Universally, I would hide also, this is about the fourth country she has tried hiding inAsk around sosua about how she has cheatyed many people out of rent, services and goods. She and her husband Richard are Con artists pure and simpleAs for her "fraud," that is well documentedShe claims to be a Meteorologist when she simply cuts and pastes from available online weather reportsShe claims o be an "Internet Systems Engineer" when in fact she can barley operate WindowsAnother DR person has repeatedly said she committed , or at least attempted to commit land frauds in the Punta Rucia are of the DRShe claims to be an International purveyor of "Body lotions: when in fact she buys junk wholesale from England, re packages it and sells under her own label.Today she blabbers about Satellites, too bad she has no idea what she is talking about and has culled information from another site and claism it to be her "Treatise"I say Christa is a fraud and stand by it, let he prove me wrong. She certainly has a big enough mouth and propensity to postLet her deny her own Daughter had to bring Court action regarding her Granddaughter

Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 29, 2006 11:54:51

Was this reply helpful?

Dear Christa,This account has now been restored, they have checked their email and removed the indicated post. We have also warned them of our Terms of Service Rules and Regulations.If you have any further problems, and the website owner will not resolve the problem, please let us know.

There is nothing we can do about them posting the truth, if you are truly what they say that is your problem

Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09

I really thank you for this, poor little sweey ole me is just horrified by these eveil people unmasking meChrista.

Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09

I have now written to the webmaster of this forum and the offending and untrue statements are still there. What else can I do? Can you invoke your policies to remove it? Please please, who will save me from the railroad tracks. I am so sweet an innocent, help me pleaseThis is the forum is the thread the post is by poster Nelson, the 3rd post in the tread, there is objectionable, racially libellous and untrue content.I have never participated in this forum. I am not a member. I do not know who these people are.

Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09

I think I have found the webmaster email. I have written and sent the below email to of bravenet forum this thread the post by the poster Nelson, the 3rd post in the tread, there is objectionable, racially libellous and untrue content.According to Bravenet's policies, once I report this to you, you have 24 hours to remove it

Member [Christa]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09

I have tried to write the webmaster of this forum but cannot seem to find an address or even the ability to post on the forum to give at least the 24 hours notice for this content to be deleted.I you can give me a link where I can write to the webmaster, I'll appreciate it. ThanksChrista

Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 29, 2006 10:46:09

Was this reply helpful?

Dear Christa,The website owner is responsible for moderating their own site. A minimum of 24 hours should be given to the webmaster to remove any inappropriate content.Have you contacted the webmaster regarding this matter?If so, please paste the e-mail and/or post that you have sent to them, as well as the inappropriate content (a specific URL/Website Address if possible) from their site.Thank you.

Member [Christa]
August 20, 2006 22:19:20

This statement and I quote .. " PLEASE let me go back to my original opinion!!!!!!!!!!!! Christa, the Apartheid loving Boer posts a bull **** rant about someone else, but when it is brought up that she is a Kaffer hating (Watch out Dominicans) Boer from South Africa, a follower of FW de Klerk, no one wants to hear about it. well I sure do, racism is disgusting, certainly when you make a career out of it.She is so ashamed of what she once practiced (Apartheid) that she sought US citizenship as South Africans are shunned in almost every country in the world, SO she marries and American con artist and continues her practice of fraud, deceit and deceptionI surely hope you will let this post remain"According to your Service Limitations, Section (a), we hope that you will close this forum down, as it is only there to post content about a list of posters on another board. I am the person referred to in this post and the content is untrue and offensive, hurtful and racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;. Posted From:
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All contents copyright 1997-2006 Bravenet Web Services Inc.

Rocky remains true to form, lying to the end

We would be amazed, surprised, and happy and flabbergasted if just ONCE, Rocky spewed something truthful or correct

Rocky said...
Here's a funny story, from DrFools.They wrote " "What a name" closed our stupid little forum due to Christa and Rocky not liking the truth published. It has always been the way for cowards, liars and cheats to protest the loudest when confronted with their misdeeds. Good job, liar coward and cheat Rocky and Christa!We will now do our best to visit any site that Christa peddles her mislabeled "potions" on, Rocky advertises his cafeteria on and post the truthThey will wish they left poor old unread Bravenet alone!"The funny part of the story, apart from Rocky's not advertising anywhere, is that it wasn't even me who got them closed down, lol.I never once contacted bravenet and wouldn't even have the knowledge on how to get them closed.Besides, who even visited that site?Did anybody even believe what was being written there?They sure seem confused about their info.
6:52 AM
From :
marc beland
Sent :
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:36 PM
To :
CC :
Subject :


MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2444); Tue, 29 Aug 2006 17:36:57 -0700 Received: (qmail 75453 invoked by uid 60001); 30 Aug 2006 00:36:56 -0000 Received: from [] by via HTTP; Tue, 29 Aug 2006 20:36:56 EDT X-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt3Tp2t6aYfTv9v0WwXWeyWK83l+vXMzbN0= DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024;; h=Message-ID:Received:Date:From:Subject:To:Cc:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding; b=Wj1Zi0FbBaaS59tizExGmOY7AXnt6bn3M6xp8QPQIADsRC54DbxXZfqE4KSTYS1YMuM5Beci1dZAG7ZOGILIcN0ZK4f05873XqMY9Hnxwxpk2Cnkk1KfweW2ufsgHsoRUxYRekUz0GAUah2wOEoLZ30IDJEnxY2+7CTnQQK/LLA= ; Return-Path: X-OriginalArrivalTime: 30 Aug 2006 00:36:57.0801 (UTC) FILETIME=[66609390:01C6CBCC]

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The webmasterThis thread on the bravenet forum has only one purpose and that is to spread damaging information to my business and to slander my person by telling the truth to the policies of Bravenet, you have 24 hours to remove this.Bravenet is copied on this correspondence. Marc BelandRockys Blues BarSosua - Dominican Republic

Not so "Bravenet"

Bravenet "What a name" closed our stupid little forum due to Christa and Rocky not liking the truth published. It has always been the way for cowards, liars and cheats to protest the loudest when confronted with their misdeeds. Good job, liar coward and cheat Rocky and Christa!

We will now do our best to visit any site that Christa peddles her mislabeled "potions" on, Rocky advertises his cafeteria on and post the truth

They will wish they left poor old unread Bravenet alone!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Two alike cowards

It looks like Marco and Chris have developed a system, when people speak the truth about them they start crying, poor babys. well we will simply post everything here as it is obvious from the Anti scot Blog the standards for abuses are much higher here

From :
marc beland
Sent :
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:36 PM
To :
CC :
Subject :

MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2444); Tue, 29 Aug 2006 17:36:57 -0700 Received: (qmail 75453 invoked by uid 60001); 30 Aug 2006 00:36:56 -0000 Received: from [] by via HTTP; Tue, 29 Aug 2006 20:36:56 EDT X-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt3Tp2t6aYfTv9v0WwXWeyWK83l+vXMzbN0= DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024;; h=Message-ID:Received:Date:From:Subject:To:Cc:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding; b=Wj1Zi0FbBaaS59tizExGmOY7AXnt6bn3M6xp8QPQIADsRC54DbxXZfqE4KSTYS1YMuM5Beci1dZAG7ZOGILIcN0ZK4f05873XqMY9Hnxwxpk2Cnkk1KfweW2ufsgHsoRUxYRekUz0GAUah2wOEoLZ30IDJEnxY2+7CTnQQK/LLA= ; Return-Path: X-OriginalArrivalTime: 30 Aug 2006 00:36:57.0801 (UTC) FILETIME=[66609390:01C6CBCC]
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The webmasterThis thread on the bravenet forum has only one purpose and that is to spread damaging information to my business and to slander my person. to the policies of Bravenet, you have 24 hours to remove this.Bravenet is copied on this correspondence. Marc BelandRockys Blues BarSosua - Dominican Republic

Green Hornet
Aug 11, 06 - 10:25 PM
Rockys Blues Bar In his own words, this pathetic scrawny "hide behind a keyboard or anyone else he can find" wants people to believe he is the re incarnation of Bufford *****r, what a freaking joke this Marco isThis was taken from a diatribe of his own words, my clipboard could not or would not hold all the garbage he postedFrom "Rocky *****r"It has nothing whatsoever to do with competing restaurants. When I did learn in 2002, it was he who showed me DR1, and although I registered with his help, I didn't post in there for almost a year, upon seeing all the infighting and cursing and attacking going on in there. I would like to think that I have one of the very best reputations in this town, as a person who is willing to help anyone, be it for general advice, or to assist them when they get in trouble, as many do.For this, I have earned the title of Barney Fife from Scott and his gang. They say I am the self appointed sherrif in this town, which is somewhat ridiculous, although it does have a certain ring of truth, in that I do battle crime, help folks protect themselves, both tourists and newbies, and have taken a strong stance in helping to eradicate the crack dealers in the neighbourhood.It's a tough role at times, as I can get called at the most inconvenient times, to come and rescue those who are in bad predicaments.I lack the time and energy for all of this, and would be quite content to go about my life in peace, enjoying what I have, and assisting where I can, but they keep on trying to draw me into their battlesFor any outsiders, Rocky or in reality, Marco is the biggest whining whimpering person you will ever meet. Once I ate at his poor imitation of a greasy spoon, dirty, animals all over, bartender was dirty..just an air of filth and dirt everywhere, that is Rocky's Blues Bar! He "invited" me to sit and have a drink, then left me with the bill in his own dump, maybe because I was the only customer?
ICQ: Rocky "Walking Tall"
Green Hornet
Aug 11th, 2006 - 10:27 PM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar This stupid forum doesn't know the difference in a womans anatomy and a Sheriffs last name, stupid censorship
ICQ: Rocky \"Walking Tall\"
Aug 12th, 2006 - 10:24 AM
Rocky's E-Mails Part I From: Grahame BushDate: 10/12/04 14:08:24To: bedggood_bush@hotmail.comSubject: Fw: Wedding PartyHere's Marco's Crap!!!!-------Original Message-------> ROCKY'S ROCK & BLUES BAR> Bar-Restaurant-Hotel-Condos> Sosua, Dominican Republic> Telephone 809) 571-2951>> Check out the "Sosua Info Club" at>>>>From: "Brian Richards" >>To: "Marc Beland" >>Subject: Re: Wedding Party>>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 11:48:54 -0700>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Marc Beland">>>>To: >>Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 6:24 AM>>Subject: RE: Wedding Party>>Dear Marc,>>We are writing in reply to the much welcome and understanding e-mail that>>we received from you yesterday. Firstly I would like to say that we have>>been flipping out with all the talk that has been going on. We found it>>hard to understand why we had no replies to the pre-wedding invitation>>that we had arranged with yourself. Obviously we did not know of the>>aggrevation of the past or of the trouble that it would cause. We would>>both like to take this opportunity to thank you for the previous>>invitation of holding the party at Rocky's, we do however feel sad at the>>fact that because of the lack of response we wish to maybe hold a>>gathering at another venue. We send our deepest appologies to you, but>>please try to understand that the gathering was for us also to meet many>>other expats before we emigrate to the DR in November.>>Again we wish to apologise to you deeply for the miss understanding, and>>we look forward to attending your venue in the near future.>>>>Brian and Debby>>>>>Hi Brian & Debby,>>>You must be flipping out by now with all this talk on DRSOL.>>>I want to say first, that if you feel more comfortable holding your>>>gathering somewhere else, please don't feel uncomfortable about>>>cancelling.>>>It is very difficult for you, from the outside, to know all the politics>>>that led up to Tom being kicked off the DR1 board, then starting DRSOL,>>>and the rift between the two.>>>It stemmed from last year's Thanksgiving party, that Tom was dis-invited>>>from. The party was put on by Scott,(escott) as usual, and Tom seems to>>>think that Scott is associatated with Rocky's in a business way.>>>I personally don't like him, but I have always been diplomatic about>>>receiving all guests, as long as they comport themselves.>>>Anyhow, pretty much everyone posting on DRSOL is a sworn enemy of any>>>DR1ers, thanks to Tom going out of his way to try to make it that way.>>>Many of the posters are non-existent, that is to say, they have several>>>nics on the board, to make it appear more popular than it really is.>>>The good news is that there is a wonderful community spirit here amongst>>>the English speaking community, and you need not worry about the noise>>>that Tom and his gang are making, it really has no effect on daily life.>>>As they are not part of the "good guy" circle of friends, they try what>>>they can to destroy it, but all they really have is their board that is a>>>drop in the bucket next to DR1.>>>That being said, it has to be difficult for you to assertain what is>>>really going on, and I do understand if you would like to change the>>>reservation.>>>This is the reason I am e-mailing you first, before you feel heavily>>>inconvenienced by this whole story.>>>I might mention that I do not read DRSOL, as I am not interested in>>>living in a soap opera world of people bashing, however this thread was>>>brought to my attention and I felt that I should write to you>>>immediately.>>>I wanted it to be short, and believe it or not, this is the short>>>version.>>>The long and short of it is, that the English speaking community gathers>>>around Rocky's on a local level and DR1 on a national level.>>>DRSOL does not have anything like this, so they seek to destroy it.>>>I hope that this e-mail serves to alleviate you, rather than further>>>confuse you as to what the real truth is.>>>Let me know, if you please, if there are any changes in your plans.>>>Regards, Marco.>>>>>>ROCKY'S ROCK & BLUES BAR>>>Bar-Restaurant-Hotel-Condos>>>Sosua, Dominican Republic>>>Telephone 809) 571-2951>>>>>>Check out the "Sosua Info Club" at>>>
Email: none@nowhere.comICQ: DR1
Aug 12th, 2006 - 10:29 AM
Rockys E-Mails Part II From: Grahame BushDate: 10/12/04 14:08:24To: bedggood_bush@hotmail.comSubject: Fw: Wedding PartyHere's Marco's Crap!!!!-------Original Message-------From: Brian RichardsDate: 10/12/04 13:21:07To: Grahame BushSubject: Fw: Wedding Party----- Original Message -----From: "Marc Beland" To: Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 6:49 AMSubject: Re: Wedding Party> Hi Brian & Debbie,> I thought that might be the case, that you thought nothing was happening,> then all of a sudden, the DRSOL'ers were giving you a royal reception that> seems so genuine and friendly.> One of the hardest growing pains for a "newbie", is to assertain who to> trust and who the good guys are.> You two unfortunately encountered the problem before even arriving.> I was hoping, for your sake, that you could see through the crap that is> being fed to you, by way of reading old posts on DRSOl and on DR1.> Sylvia, aka chester4, was on top of the job and knew how to attract the> crowds without making a bunch of noise so far ahead of time, which is why> you thought nothing was happening.> Most of the time, you get very little public response, but they all show> up on the day.> When Tom advertised his groundhog day party on DR1, previous to being> banned, at the beginning of 2004, 3 people showed up. This is archived> information on DR1.> Pursuant to that, he sought to get all the Easter party guests to boycott> the party, as he himself was dis-invited. This is what got him banned as a> moderator, as he moderated the weather portion of the board, then he> immediately set out to make a copy cat version of DR1 to compete with> them.> As his attempt at arranging gatherings were a miserable failure, whereas,> escott's parties thrived and packed a full house, and to make matters> worse, he was told to not attend the Easter bash, he popped a gasket and> went crazy, e-mailing everyone to not come.> As Tom & Richard are banned from Rocky's, they would stop at nothing to> prevent you from holding your gathering here.> I know that it's just a matter of time that you will be saying to someone> here in Sosua, "Why didn't you tell me he was a gay pedophile?" or "Why> didn't you tell me that guy was a wife beater?".> Then you will be wondering why so many of the DRSOL members are unable to> attend your gathering. As the website lacks traffic and they are so hell> bent on trying to destroy and outdo DR1, they make themselves multiple> nicknames, commonly known as sock puppets, so some of the active posters> cannot possibly show up at your gathering.> I had hoped that I could just shut up for a change and shy away from my> self appointed job of being the "good guy's best friend, and the bad guy's> worst enemy", as you can well imagine how much heat this creates for me> and Rocky's.> But, as you can see, I can't help myself.> I have made my bed and I have to lie in it.> I have made my decision in life as to who I want to be.> I am but a small fish in a very big ocean and I am unable to do anything> in a grand scale.> I keep my little corner clean, and try to affect my immediate surroundings> in a positive way.>> If you really want to know where it all stands, just toss the question out> on DR1.> Publicly ask why DRSOL members are trying so hard to send you anywhere but> Rocky's.> There is a reason why Rocky's is rated in the Lonely Planet guide as the> number 1 budget hotel in Sosua.> There is a reason why all the major community gatherings are held here.> There is a reason why "ask Marco' is one of the most common phrases> amongst the newly arrived ex-pats.> One of the DRSOL posters got one thing right.> Rocky's is no fancy place.> It's not about the place, it's about the people.> Regards, Marco.>> ROCKY'S ROCK & BLUES BAR> Bar-Restaurant-Hotel-Condos> Sosua, Dominican Republic> Telephone 809) 571-2951>> Check out the "Sosua Info Club" at>>PS Debbie and Brians Party had about 90 people in attendance at La Roca.
Email: none@nowhere.comICQ: DR1
Aug 12th, 2006 - 11:08 AM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar DR ScottyCould you sned email with name you use on one of the boards please or post your email with your posts here please
Aug 12th, 2006 - 11:35 AM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar For readers of the ANTISNOTT blog:Whenever someone points out the obvious about `Marcos` assistance to Scott, you accuse them of whining. Doesn't that get a bit tired, friend? So your rules are its OK to talk your shyt about Dawnwil, and Rellosk because they aid Scotty, but not to point out that Marco on Scotts behalf did much worse than they ever have. Props. That certainly gives you the moral high ground in alerting people to da Snott, `mon`. Scotty don`t exist in a vacuum. He was made what he is by the help and active support of people like Dawny, Rellosk, Rob and Marco. I don't see them apologising anywhere for their part in creating this monster. So, `mon`, if you want to shield Marco from reaping what he has sewn on Snotty's behalf while attacking the others then you're as bad as he is.I despise the snothead. But I won't forget those who have made him possible. No one would even be mentioning `Marco` except that you're allowing him to shovel his `I`m so innocent` bullcrap through your site. Like Rellosk, play with da shyt, you get covered in shyt. And people notice and remember.
Email: none@nowhere.comICQ: DR1
Aug 12th, 2006 - 11:56 AM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar vlad, no e-mails please as i ony have one account and don't wreally want it filled with hayte mail. When it said board name hehe i thought it meant which board. I am i8atrockysandsurvived on drsol use my name on dr1
Email: none@nowhere.comICQ: i8atrockysandsurvived at drsol
Aug 12th, 2006 - 12:04 PM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar OK DRScotty, we just want to know you are someone and not a person using another name to cause trouble. It is not possible to be sure, but we are trying to be fairWe don't know the background deep like most of you, what are you saying in your posts? I can not understand if you do not like Scott, I think the other Scott, that you like Rocky, to many people and to much confusion, that is why we wanted this board so you could all express your opinions and we didn't have to fight on the blog. Maybe we can get our blog back to what we wanted and as soon as people here say who they are this board can go on without us doing much?It is still very sad what happened to our little parody of DR board posters, some people did not like the way we saw them, and that was al it was, I don't think we were very mean, nothing like this and they think we hate them?
More Malfunctioning Marcoisms
Aug 12th, 2006 - 3:49 PM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar Poor Rocky, the innocent injured attacked bar owner."Maybe when Esnott pays you "Rocky" you can give Ewald a call and pay him back for the thousands you owe him for rent in your previous locattion and for the damage you caused trashing tolkiets and sinks in the place as you left? Too bad Ewald isn't as prolific at the computer as your innocent self is claiming to be the injured party from Scott when you were in bed with him banning folks from your restaurantr, calling Richard (sisua grouo) a pedophile and XR (DRSol) a wife beater, and Tay (property center) a crook and on and on. Yes, poor Rocky. He aided and abetted Scott, sent attack emails to all the decent people in Sosua, even Ginnie and Grahame who would not be caught DEAD in your company or in your sleazy restaurant where you abuse your employees )do you still tellpeople the story of having to run out of town at high speed in your car as police and angry former employees stripped you bat to make up for money you has npt paid them - TWIVE at TWO different businesses?) You are every bit the bads apple that Scott and Wales are and your attempts at playing the injured one make people who know how you have screwed innocent Dominicans and people who ahve tried to help you sick. I would keep a low profile if I were you before people start posting e-mails you have sent in your own name to others. I would be worried that the next time maybe TomD's modelling clay with LED's on your tire may be something a bit more dangerous - considering the vast number of residents you have screwed in your name and in the name of frienshiup with Snott."
Green Hornet
Aug 15th, 2006 - 6:28 PM
The Ultimate Lowlife This ROCKY is the ultimate sleazy rat. He claims "As a restaurant owner myself, I would prefer not to be involved" but some "Higher power" forces him to stab the owners of PJ's in the back, what a lowlife he is"No doubt hey have improved but" Man, if you want to stay out of it, then stay the **** out of it. You are the scummiest thing in Sosua. do you actually believe ANYONE would believe you wanted to "Stay out of it?" You can't wait to stab someone from behind your computer you lousy lowlifeRocky Gold Join Date: Apr 2002Posts: 3,669 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quote:Originally Posted by Berzin Enough already. Theres' nothing wrong with PJs. If you don't like it don't go there, but your criticisms are unfounded. I ate there every day for more than 2 weeks during my first stay in Sosua and there was nothing wrong with the food. And every time I am in Sosua I eat there. I understand that once guys get on a particular topic theres' that bandwagon effect, but for any newbie reading this it is a good place to eat. Try for yourself and decide. As a restaurant owner myself, I would prefer to not be involved in this conversation, Berzin, but in all fairness to Tamborista, what he said was not unfounded, at least it wasn't in the past.As you attest to having eaten there frequently and enjoyed the food, no doubt it has improved and we are all glad to hear that, as the late nighters need a place to snack, and PJ's is open 24 hours, at least during normal times.I suppose they have to close now with the new laws, just like everybody else.There have been restaurants in the past that had bad reps, with regards to people getting ill, that are now some of the finest restaurants in town.Hopefully this is the case with PJ's. The owner's a nice guy and we did a lot of business with him when he was supplying wholesale beverages from his market in Charamicos.To come back to the beginning.Tamborista's assessment may no longer be valid, but it was at one time, so he does not deserve being attacked for trying to do the right thing.Regards, Marco
Aug 19th, 2006 - 9:00 AM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar AGAIN, this piece of dog crap (He has plenty in and around his condemned building) answers a question about a hotel in Sosua "Oh, I don't want to say anything, but my friends' brother's second cousin once heard on another message board this hotel was not "American Friendly", in other words they didn't serve trichinosis filled ribs, allow dogs to beg at your table or hookers to harass you while eating then he continues with"Again, not quite.Henk is Dutch and a wonderful guy, one of the nicest guys in town.He does not RUN the hotel.He works there.If you want to contact me by email I will send you copies of people's opinions, good and bad, that came form a thread discussing Voramar.I don't feel it's right to put it here on the mainboard.Furthermore, as a hotel owner myself, I always feel like I'm in an akward position, answering hotel questions.That is in part why I chose my words carefully and gave a very soft report."This guy doesn't even have the decency to say what he feelsHey Rocky, if you don't have anything to say other than putting hotels down in hopes someone might be dumb enough to stay in your bug filled woodshed, STFU!
Email: reservations@rockysbluesbar
Aug 19th, 2006 - 11:52 AM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar WeaselMarcos post is exact post from another place so we consider it fair, we need email or name from you or your post is gone
Aug 20th, 2006 - 12:00 PM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar WeaselAgain we will delete unless you post email, but maybe if you could you can look at the post and see exactly what is in quotes. Do you understand what quotations mean?Unlike others our only agenda is to let everyone say what they want, not just you
Aug 20th, 2006 - 12:12 PM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar Yo weasel. this is a cut and paste anyone can verify, they have something good to say about yoru friend so you have no reason to complain.If you have trouble reading still, it says "Yes the people are friendly"Traveler rating: Sosua: Rocky's Rock & Blues Bar and Hotel: "Ugh"Aug 10, 2006: A TripAdvisor Member, all over My experience with this property took place in:May, 2006Would I recommend this hotel to my best friend? probably notMy ratings for this hotel are:ValueRoomsLocationCleanlinessCheck in / front deskServiceBusiness serviceI recommend this hotel for: I do not recommend this hotel for: Young singles, An amazing honeymoon, A romantic getaway, Girlfriend getaway, People with disabilities, Older travelers, Great pool scene, Families with young children, Families with teenagers, TouristsI selected this hotel because ... Beach / SunMy age: 25-34Traveling group: FriendsMy visit was for: Hobbies / interest / culture A friend and I stayed for several days. Yes, the people are friendly if you like living among pimps and pros. The only good thing about this place is that it is affordable. Excellent choice if you're looking for more than a vacation. PS.. watch your valuables here and on the street.This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC.
Aug 20th, 2006 - 2:47 PM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar Anonymous,PLEASE post your email, board name on another site or reference to what you say or we have to delete
Aug 20th, 2006 - 4:07 PM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar "Marc Beland has one of the worst reputations in Sosua. Anyone who has lived there more than two or three years knows never to trust him. He believes in use them, abuse them then screw them. Ewald and Frieda braun trusted him and it cost them thousands of dollars. they tried to work with him when he fell thousands of dollars behind in mortgage payments. He said **** you, you can sue me if you want but I haven't got anything I'moving out then trashed the place and moved out. He was closed down at the new Rocky's in April 2003when an ex -employee from his fruit and vegetable days tried to collect her liquidation. He is right he doesn't have anything he leases most everything. Askyourself why none of the longterm ex-pats patronize the place? He doesn't have a friend in Sosua, his reputation is dirt!"- AnonymousSo this doesn't disappear, and I am sure I will be attacked for having stood up for it, I have asked these same questions directly from thos involved and received exactly the same answers as much as three years ago which is why none of my money is ever spent in Marc Beland's reataurant anymore, for which I have been treated to e-mails as posted above by others. The information was confirmed directly to me by several other business owners in Sosua, by Ewald, and his late wife, and large parts also by Marc himself directly to me in conversation, including a trip fleeing town when the employees arrived with police to receive their unpaid salaries to Samana with a stop in Cabarete to visit his doctor for extra valium to calm his nerves. Not my words, but Marc's.I have no need to trash anyone, but I refuse to support in any fashion, be it with my money, or my recommendsations, or my silence, anyone who treats people in the country in which he is a guest in this manner, especially having a Dominican wife and family, and employing at least half a dozen Dominicans whom I think of as more as family for many years. This is shameful behavior, and for those asking here what the issue is, just re-read that post.Most locals won't go there because of this behavior toward people in the country we love, and because we know too well that pointing it out leads to savage attacks both publicly and behind our backs in e-mails.Unfortunately, that's sort of my job. But despite these attacks and personal insults by this person, I have never done more than to stick to the facts involved, and theyare exactly as stated by this person above.Vlad, I understand you ask for confirmation of people's identity. I hope you leave what the other said as I can vouch for it, and in fact am posting this at peril of being run down for having done so, simply for attesting to its veracity.P.S.No, I did not make the original post. LMAO.
Email: xanaduranch@drsol.infoICQ: XanaduRanch
Aug 20th, 2006 - 10:44 PM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar Steve,I have called no one any names. I don't understand why you believe that anyone takes you seriosusly if you do. Since I do not read that perhaps if you would care to share what you are referring to here, I would be happy to comment. Otherwise, I can't because I have no idea what you are talking about. But I do stand behind what I have posted here.Thank you.Tom (aka XR)
Email: xanaduranch@drsol.infoICQ: XanaduRanch
Aug 21st, 2006 - 5:18 AM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar StevePlease post email or real name you use somewhere else or "poof"It is good to have another view, but XR we know who he is, you no one knows. It is not so hard to say who you are if you believe what you say?
Aug 21st, 2006 - 6:07 AM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar From Steve"I am no more inclined to give out my email address than my credit card info."We do not ask much, if that is too much for you,no problem, Poof
Aug 22nd, 2006 - 8:04 AM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar Of course he's a phony and a liar. he likes to make out that he is the second coming in Sosua always sticking up for the underdog. If anyone doubts what's been posted about him, stop in and have a chat with Ewald Braun. Ewald's house is right next door to Eddy's.
Aug 22nd, 2006 - 11:46 AM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar No names or email and post gets deleted soon!
Aug 22nd, 2006 - 2:20 PM
Re: Rockys Blues Bar "It's very simple as to why Ewald and his late wife Frieda were so successful. Unlike Marc Beland they worked their tails off. Lucke Moto their moto rental outfit was the largest on the north coast and they invested in property all over the area. They also didn't try to live a life of luxury on pesos. it would be interesting to know how far behind in his payments Beland is at the new Rocky's or how he is paying for the condos? He knows the system. As he said to the Brauns. "Go ahead and sue me I haven't got anything" . Ewald knows it would take forever to get him into court and in the long run even when he would get judgement. Beland would just leave the country and return to Canada. Likeable? Yes at first when he patronizes you . Give him a little time and watch out! A few years ago some friends of his at the time, felt sorry for him and took up a collection to send him on vacation. They don't even go to Rockys now. He's all over DR1 not because he wants to help anyone but solely to promote his business.He knows very well he needs new people in his bar, locals who know him soon tire of his patronizing."This is all pretty common knowledge to anyone who has lived or worked in Sosua for anytime, and it is basically the exact same advice I have to relate if asked by people wanting to do business with Marc. I know the people involved in the vacation attempt as well. But it seems folks have to find out for themselves. The unfortunate part of doing so is that it just passes the problem along to someone else who ends up being hurt. As PT Barnum said, "A sucker is born every minute". Sad that this seems to have been taken to be an actual "business plan" by more than a few expats here.Someone else added something I have always suggested, that is to use your own brain and find out for yourself before rushing to a judgementor dismissing something as just a "personal" problem. Ewald Braun can be seen just about any day on Calle Ayuntamiento, his house is the one right next to Eddy's between Eddy's and the Exchange business. Take him into Eddy's and buy him a beer, and just ask. Ewald's a great story teller, and a marvelous person to get to know if you're relocating to the area.People moving here need to understand this is not the US or Canada. You do not have the same recourse available to you here when people scam you. That's what people are warning about. No one enjoy's having to say "I told you so" later.
Email: xanaduranch@drsol.infoICQ: XanaduRanch
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Going contrary to our own policy, but....

From the so called anti scot blog:

DR1DefenderMember said...
In case you guys want to know,The DR1 hate blog has been CLOSED by the webmaster.They broke some rules and now they are HISTORY!.Oh, we feel good, lalalala!.
8:38 AM
Anonymous said...
The hate blog is cooked.They were closed!.
8:43 AM
Anonymous said...
There's a God.Thanks God that crap was closed.They are blaming a person named Christa for reporting them to the webmaster.Whomever Christa is, I want her to know that we, the DR1Defenders,LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!.
8:58 AM
Comment Deleted
This post has been removed by the blog administrator.
8:58 AM
GD said...
DR1 Defenders, da original blog be messin' wid good people. Close 'em down for good dis time! GD
10:30 AM
DR1DefenderMember said...
GD:Which blog again?.Escott's blog?.Please let me know and I we will give him hell!.Promise!

Which blog? You poor thing, you already posted that the blog was closed, did you forget which personality you were again? Do you still feel good?
10:57 AM
GD said...
Da original drfools blog.
11:20 AM

I will point something out that was just sent to me;

DR1defender member says at 10:57 am, pretending to be whomever "which blog" yet this very same person posted all the information at 8:38. They are so confused trying to convince people it is not the same 2-3 people posting and answering their own comments they screwed up yet again. I had missed this but apparently some people keep close watch on their pathetic attempts at humor

Those poor lonely things at the blog that promotes hate and dissent amongst people interested in the DR have done it again, put their foot so far in their mouth they needed Charmin to clean their sneakers

Someone other than Miguel or a Sosua cafeteria worker must have posted something on their site and got them all worked up, as you can see our forum is alive and well (Maybe not so well, pretty quite but at least honest and fair). Christa seemed to take offense to a post by a "Nelson" and we were not aware of the problem until it was suspended. We simply sent Bravenet the proper information and you can see for yourself the result; the so called "offending" post is back with even greater fervor and the site is up and running well

It is really sad what these children sink to

On a side note, maybe a certain Dominican American didn't like the comment about his sexual prowess, or lack thereof?

Maybe we will take a page from their book and allow comments and pursue harassing the people they hold so dear? Let us know what you think, we will do as they do, post only favorable comments not delete anything that doesn't suit a one sided biased point of view. How about that, an invitation to ANYONE who has been slandered on that stupid kiddy site to post on our forum about the very people who have said so much about you. soon, along with the damage that blog has done to others, there will be almost no one posting on DR1, DRsol, life in the DR as ANYONE who posts will be subject to almes. That apparently is what the so called "Anti Scot "blog promotes

We really have tried to stay above that in the hopes they would soon wake up, but maybe.......

I doubt it, but YOU tell us

This is funny