To Dyck
What's wrong with exposing a thief?.How come you don't feel sorry for the kids, you know, the ones that aren't getting the donations?. What about them?.Rocky is just telling it like it is.The "snotman" is gargabe and whomever assiciates with him, eventually turns to garbage. Publish this comment. Reject this comment. Moderatecomments for this blog. Posted by EscottIsADyck to Know it alls in DRat 12/09/2006 07:46:16 PM
Dyck, I don’t know Escott so I can not pass judgment on him. Please factually expalin why is "Gargabe"
Dyck, I don't know Escott so please factually explain how his associates turn to garbage, please name at least 12
Dyck, I don't know Rocky so please explai here how "Rocky knows"
Just like I don’t know Rocky, only from reading the Internet what is going on
Have you asked Rocky to provide a balance sheet for every dollar and every piece of wrapping paper donated?
I do feel very sorry for the poor of any country and have tried more ways than you would imagine to make their lives better in my own ways, none of us can change the world but many try little bits at a time
My opinion, based on past actions and post is that Rocky is not really concerned about any money or donations made, otherwise he would have made it an issue before
It appears he is using this as an underhanded way to attack Escott and in the interim boost praise for himself in his Christmas efforts
I applaud Rocky for his Christmas program, I am disgusted with his inserting “I’m not tooting my own horn, BUT in almost every comment he makes while he continues to tell eveyone how wonderful he is. It may be just my personal opinion, but I don't respect ANYONE who does a good deeed than stands on a podium and says "look, I done good", He is without a doubt the very worst offender I have seen at backhanded insults and self promotion, maybe he does not even know it. He appears to be a very insecure person and constantly reaches out for any type of recognition.
From what I have read the children will soon receive medical care assisted by a 20% return on investment
I don’t understand the problem other than the typical 4-5 drunk/drugged ex-pats that kiss Rocky’s ass complaining?
Was there timetable set up for the start of the dental services?
Has ANY money been misappropriated?
Pleases let me know of ANY wrongdoing (Other than in the mind of Rocky and his followers) performed by this charity and I will be more than happy to spread and post it everywhere.
I think you are really interested in the money being spent faithfully, don’t let Rockies’ rantings sway you from the truth
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