To person that sent long comment with "no need to publish" Do you mean do not publish or publish if we want to? We would like YOU to post that comment on our forum board because it is good but will not publish if you do not want us to
I am posting an almost identical message on the so called new "hate blogs"
I don't believe the reason your blog is in existence is what you state
First, sorry you don't "believe" us, yet another conspiracy theroy I guess
This blog was started simply as a parody (Joke, satire) of the many people who post on DR realted boards.
Many of these people take themselves way too seriously (Several have since admitted so, calling a certain board their "afmily," poor sick things) and we thought our posting how we saw thier expressions might provide a much needed laugh, which it did for a time
Unfortunately we let oursleves get caught up in the stupidity of "DR1 Defender, DR1 Idiot" and so forth who apparently were unable to undersatnd satire and felt their "family" were being attacked
Our biggest mistake was answering them, you can't srgue with ignorance and we learned the hard way, taking away from what our original intent was and still is: a parody of the posters on teh DR boards
All I can say, believe it or not :-)
does anything works for you guys?.
maybe if you have yourselves, XR and ducado dress in girlie clothes and dance, maybe it will become a little interesting.
just my observation.
Why do I get the feeling you are really "Honesty?" Whether it was you or not, nice job in showing everyone just what some people are. You really are being unfair in toying with people that don't understand
Do those people actually believe anyone is buying their nonsense? They have become so confused talking to themselves they slip up quite frequently in asking and answering their own questions
I will be glad to see this blog get back on it's "mission," I really enjoyed some of the original characterizations of we as posters, some were a bit over the top, but I guess I have to take the bad with the good
I'm not sure if it was a system malfunction or one of the village idiots was able to change our password, but either way, we are back and sorry for any delays
We Idiots did and will keep on doing whenever we feel like it. Very easy to do.
I am not a DR1Defender, just of the Idiots sick of your nonsense.
Anonymous said...
We Idiots did and will keep on doing whenever we feel like it. Very easy to do.
I am not a DR1Defender, just of the Idiots sick of your nonsense.
Monday, August 14, 2006 3:22:08 PM
Sometimes it is like shooting fish in a barrel. You want to buy a bridge?
To Scott
It's too bad that do to the harassment and libel by 2-3 very immature morns with too much time on their hands that you have cut back and removed some of your entries
I always enjoyed ALL the pictures and I truly think anyone with half a brain realized there was noting inappropriate with any of them People with the mentality of those blog owners can't comprehend anything beyond what their mental capacities are AND WHAT THEY WOULD POST THOSE PICTURES FOR, but I understand in a lawless country it is impossible and not worth he time to argue with them
What courage they have, they call you a coward but I have yet to see anyone take credit for that garbage?
By and through their actions I will not become part of the "Expat" community in teh DR, preferring to associate with the local real population as opposed tot hose sophmoric fools
I'm going to submit this as a comment on several of these silly blogs, want to guess which ones won't have the integrity to post them?
Brian, Puerto Plata
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