I wish there were an easier way for us to communicate with posters, especially those that send well thought out comments and remarks that they ask not be published
Please remember this is only a free blogsite provided by Google and we are very limited in what we can do. It is not feasible to post another entry each time a question appears, sometimes we try and post a comment to a comment, but this is no message board
One comment was that the user had no idea what was going on: You need to either be familiar with or read or to understand what we talk about, as our content comes directly from the posters on those boards and our their "history,": thus our title "Dominican Fools," a parody of some of the know it all on those message boards
If you are specifically asking about Ducado, go to as that is the "last outpost" for Ducado, he is banned everywhere else :-(
Somebody is certainly reading us, as we have noticed some of our "commentators" popping up on those boards and many comments about or blog appearing in the aforementioned forum. Only one operator has seen fit to remove any reference to us (Robert at but it looks as though he deletes anything not meeting his agenda so no surprise. Our purpose: Freedom to say what we want and freedom for you to comment, but don't bother sending 20 comments with ZZZZZ you are boring, it's not worth our posting and not worth people opening the comments only to read your junk
To those that accuse us of not posting comments derogatory to certain people: PLEASE show us the comments you claim were submitted, this site does enable us to see ALL comments deleted or published, they just aren't there, we invite you to back up your complaint but you seem reluctant???
One person said we have gotten a little "rough" of late, you are correct, we got carried away do to the rather inappropriate comments by a few, but hopefully we can get back on track. We do read all of those boards, so the commenst referred to may not appear here but on those forums
We still would appreciate any "Advertising" or links in your blogs, it helps immensely.
Thanks to all for reading and commenting
Under your entry: "COMMUNICATION".
Keep going, nah! Whoever the hell you are.
Freedom of speech will always be a huge issue for me. As a writer, it is imperative to feel and exercise this freedom. As a human being, it is imperative to respect the rights of others to exercise this same freedom. Simple stuff. Or is it?
Businesses are different... they do not operate as equal opportunity anything. On that, I fully understand and respect Robert's decision on DR1 to delete, ban, whatever he believes is in the best interest of his business. I may not agree given my strong opinion on freedom of speech, but it is his decision.
I find myself perplexed by one question: why would anyone bother reading a blog for five minutes if he believed the blog to be boring, or offensive, or whatever the gripe might be.
Do you realize your power over these same people (or, LOL, maybe it is just one people)? I mean, they're giving more power to you than they know. I'm sure there're some fancy psychological terms for such behaviors, but I don't know them. All I know is that I'd really dislike myself if I allowed anyone to have such power over me.
However you name it, the joke's on those who write tough and must believe themselves to be big independent thinkers, yet they can't live their lives without being controlled by and reacting to words someone named nah writes in a personal blog. This is the ultimate satire, in a writerly sense. Sad in human terms.
Is this the same dawnwil that hangs around with Mr. Mongul?.
Low self-esteem dawn?.
How are those yellow teeths of his?.
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