Maybe we should all read
we are one of the guilty parties, but in what weak defense we can muster it must be said our parody was started in humor, not with the intent to harm or hurt, we guess they can not be mutually exclusive.
This was received as a multi-multi-multi part comment, maybe we should all read and think?
In view of this message and our belief it is correct, we don't see our blog going any further in it's present concept, please check back now and then, we will try and find something that is fun without harm
I have been reading all the boards lately, and these supposed blogs. I expose myself to their ridicule and hate today by speaking up and stating it is my opinion these blogs and their creators have promoted a feeling of hate and uneasiness amongst all people that post on Dominican Republic Bulletin Boards and the subsequent loss of readers, posters and people that seek information about the country
In your efforts to demean certain people you have run roughshod over all people, your friends and foes alike.
When one board pops up attacking one “side,” another appears in support. No one should feel that they are above these insidious attacks and call for an immediate cease and do their part by refusing to participate
I paraphrase form a famous American when faced with this same type of cowardly moral morass, the original “Declaration of Conscience addressed a far greater issue, “McCarthyism” but all cowardly attacks on any person are one in the same; an attempt by a weak, self indulgent cowardly person that seeks to gain favor and promote themselves through the destruction of others
When I speak of the “Escotts” and the “Marcos,” it is not of those two individual I speak, but what appears to be the polarizing issues personified by their respective supporters and detractors.
Friends of the Dominican Republic, I would like to speak briefly and simply about a serious Internet condition. It is a national feeling of fear and frustration that could result in information suicide and the end of everything that we Friends of the Dominican Republic hold dear. It is a condition that comes from the lack of effective controls and beliefs in character assassination.
I speak as briefly as possible because too much harm has already been done with irresponsible words of bitterness and selfish personal opportunism. I speak as simply as possible because the issue is too great to be obscured by eloquence. I speak simply and briefly in the hope that my words will be taken to heart.
I speak as a Friend of the Dominican Republic. I speak as a tourist. I speak as a United States Citizen, I speak as a Dominican citizen, I speak as a person that believes in fairness.
The Dominican Republic has long enjoyed worldwide respect as one of the friendliest countries in the world. But recently that deliberative character has too often been debased to the level of a forum of hate and character assassination sheltered by the shield of Internet immunity.
It is ironical that we Friends of the Dominican Republic can debate on the internet directly or indirectly, by any form of words immune to any person, who is not a “special person”, any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a “Special person”—and without that non-“Special person” having any legal redress against it—yet if we say the same thing on certain boards about our colleagues we can be stopped on the grounds of being out of order.
It is strange that we can verbally attack anyone else without restraint and with full protection and yet we hold ourselves above the same type of criticism here on certain blogs. Surely the Friends of the Dominican Republic are big enough to take self-criticism and self-appraisal. Surely we should be able to take the same kind of character attacks that we “dish out” to outsiders.
I think that it is high time for the Friends of the Dominican Republic to do some soul searching—for us to weigh our consciences—on the manner in which we are performing our duty to the promotion of the Dominican Republic; on the manner in which we are using or abusing our individual powers and privileges.
I think that it is high time that we remembered that we have an interest in the development and promotion of free speech and action, I think that it is high time that we remembered that the purpose of Internet boards, both forums and blogs, speaks not only of the freedom of speech, but also of trial by jury instead of trial by accusation.
Whether it be a criminal prosecution in court or a character prosecution in Internet Forum there is little practical distinction when the life of a person has been ruined.
Those of us who shout the loudest about Friends of the Dominican Republic in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who, by our own words and acts, ignore some of the basic principles of right to expression
The right to criticize;
The right to hold unpopular beliefs;
The right to protest;
The right of independent thought.
The exercise of these rights should not cost one single Friends of the Dominican Republic his reputation or his right to a livelihood nor should he be in danger of losing his reputation or livelihood merely because he happens to know someone who holds unpopular beliefs. Who of us doesn’t? Otherwise none of us could call our souls our own. Otherwise thought control would have set in.
The Friends of the Dominican Republic are sick and tired of being afraid to speak their minds lest they be publicly smeared as “Socially unacceptable” or “Pedophiles” by their opponents. Freedom of speech is not what it used to be in the Dominican Republic forums. It has been so abused by some that it is not exercised by others.
Friends of the Dominican Republic are sick and tired of seeing innocent people smeared and guilty people whitewashed. But there have been enough un-proved cases, such as the “Snotty Blog” case, the “DrFools” case, the “Anti XR” case, the “Ducado” case, to cause Internet wide distrust and strong suspicion that there may be something to the u-unproved, sensational accusations.
As a Friend of the Dominican Republic I say to all of you that the Friends of the Dominican Republic faces a challenge today that is not unlike the challenge that it faced back in the beginning of DR1. The Friends of the Dominican Republic so successfully met that challenge that it emerged from the “Board Wars” as the champion of a united concept—in addition to being a board that unrelentingly promoted the Dominican Republic and free posting of thought.
Today our ability to post is being psychologically divided by the confusion and the suspicions that are bred in the “Hate Blogs” to spread like cancerous tentacles of “know nothing, suspect everything” attitudes.
The posts of interested people have provided us with sufficient issues without the necessity of resorting to character smears. DR1 and other forums are rapidly losing its position as leader of Dominican Information simply because Friends of the Dominican Republic have pitifully failed to provide effective leadership.
There are enough proved cases to make this point without diluting our criticism with unproved charges.
Surely these are sufficient reasons to make it clear to the Friends of the Dominican Republic that it is time for a change. Surely it is clear that Friends of the Dominican Republic will continue to suffer as long as it is lead by the present attitude of hate.
I don’t want to see the views of any “side” win that way. While it might be a fleeting victory for the certain factionist would be a more lasting defeat for Friends of the Dominican Republic. Surely it would ultimately be suicide for the Friends of the Dominican Republic that has protected our freedom of thought from the dictatorship of a one-idea system.
As members of the minority opinion, I do not have the primary authority to formulate the policy of any blogs or Forums But I do have the responsibility of rendering constructive criticism, of clarifying issues, of allaying fears by acting as a responsible interested party..
As a tourist, I wonder how the mothers, Fathers wives, Husbands sisters, brothers, sons and daughters feel about the way in which members of their families have had their character mangled in Internet debate—and I use the word “debate” advisedly.
As a Friends of the Dominican Republic I am not proud of the way in which the these blogs have been made a publicity platform for irresponsible sensationalism. I am not proud of the reckless abandon in which unproved charges have been hurled from both sides of the issues. I am not proud of the obviously staged, undignified countercharges that have been attempted in retaliation from the other side of the issues.
I don’t like the way the Internet has been made a rendezvous for vilification, for selfish personal gain at the sacrifice of individual reputations and personal feelings. I am not proud of the way we smear outsiders from behind a keyboard and hide behind the cloak of Internet immunity and still place ourselves beyond criticism in the darkness of the net
As a Friend of the Dominican Republic I am shocked at the way both sides are playing directly into the ‘Hate mongers” design of “confuse, divide and conquer.” As a Friends of the Dominican Republic, I don’t want a Escott, XR, Ducado “whitewash” or “cover-up” any more than I want a “Marco, Rob, Carina” smear or witch hunt.
It is with these thoughts I have drafted what I call a Declaration of Conscience
Statement of those that truly care about the Dominican Republic and it’s future
1. We have opposing views. But we are Friends of the Dominican Republic first. It is as Friends of the Dominican Republic that we express our concern with the growing confusion that threatens the security and stability of our ability to feely express our thoughts. Both sides have contributed to that confusion.
2. The subject of the hate blogs has initially created the confusion by its apparent lack of trust and morality, by its contradictory opinions and optimistic assurances, , by its petty bitterness against its critics.
3. Certain elements of the “DR1 Defenders have materially added to this confusion in the hopes of riding the Friends of the Dominican Republic to victory through the selfish personal exploitation of fear, bigotry, ignorance, and intolerance. There are enough mistakes of the “Escotts” and “Marcos” for the Hate Blogs to criticize constructively without resorting to personal smears.
4. To this extent, “Escotts” and “Marcos” alike have unwittingly, but undeniably, played directly into the hate bloggers design of “confuse, divide and conquer.”
5. It is high time that we stopped thinking personally as “Escotts" and “Marcos” about whose restaurant is better and started thinking as Friends of the Dominican Republic about tourism promotion based on individual freedom. It is high time that we all stopped being tools and victims of sadistic techniques—techniques that, if continued here unchecked, will surely end what we have come to cherish as the freedom of internet expression
About time! a person has the guts to say what i think all of feel about all these new blogs, they suck
No idea who youa re, but please post more often. it is nice to see aqvoice of reason in what can sometimes be a wilderness
Wow - er yes - makes sense to me.
I think all are a little tired of the hate blogs. The posters right - freedom of the internet will go if this carrys on.
Perhaps we could all start over with our mutual love for the country being our bond?
I hope that poster with the longest comment in web history did not think that anybody was going to read the whole crap.
People just have to much time in their hands.
Hey poster, get a danr hobby, will ya!.
I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment expressed in this appeal. All of the hate blogs are doing as much or more harm to the entire online DR community as they are to the intended targets.
Yes, make your posts of disgust with certain individuals & refute them each time they make their posts online. However, the all out attacks are overkill & the focus of blogs and forum posts on personalities rather than DR content have made all DR forums a less pleasant place to visit & participate.
To the writer of the longest comment in history: Nal, is that you? :) I had images of a feather pen in hand and the words 'four score and seven years ago'...
I am still shaking my head over the paranoid and delusional accusations of certain commenters. For the record, I have no idea who began this blog or who writes it. I do have a wild guess in mind, and the belief that the intent was/is genuine. My contributions have been in the form of comments, each one of which I signed. Sorry to disappoint, anonymous ones! Please seek help.
It is inspiring and refreshing to read thoughtful words expressing good ideas... even some of the 'great ideas' of western civilization. Thank you for that. For the most part, I agree.
I do not believe that the internet world of 'Friends of the Dominican Republic'(is this a new blog?:)is as important to many of us who live here as might be inferred. I have no doubt it is more important to those who love this country and do not live here, but rely on internet communication to enjoy it-- as you say, Friends of the Dominican Republic. What I find astonishing is that it would seem some people living here actually exist behind computer screens to the extent that they might as well be sucked right in inside those computers, they have that little in communion with a vital, corporeal life in this country. I imagine many who wish they were living here also find it astonishing.
If anyone is interested: my own life here has very little in common with the wild accusations I am told are still flying around cyberspace. I did read the hate blog after the digusting and entirely false accusations about the young girl I help put through school and her mother's "serious doubts" showed up on Dr1. It did not surprise me to know the pedophile blog disappeared in record time. It was the product of sick minds and zero credibility.
Otherwise, do I waste my life reading hate blogs: no. Am I a friend of Scott's: yes.
For contemplation, this might be of interest: I am finding it exceptionally liberating to walk all around Sosua, visiting the many places and people I regularly visit... knowing that I conduct myself open-heartedly and kindly to all. My friends know who I am. I have been enjoying the nightlife in town even more the past few weeks, because it is good to put it to the test and know one could tell one's own grandmother of one's conduct.
So for those who are writing on some anonymous hate blogs and making it a game or a mission to manipulate, or coerce, or threaten, or embarrass--whatever it is you hope to accomplish--by way of hateful words, you're not worth my energy, and you will never have my energy.
Aside from that, you will always be cowards. There is no comparison between one who writes his thoughts and signs his name, to those who do not.
I will always defend the right to freedom of speech without fear of harrassment, especially within the boundaries of a personal journal.
The basic tenet of freedom of speech is that in pursuing it for oneself, one does not intimidate others in their exercise of the same freedom. Personal threats, some sly and others very direct, have nothing in common with freedom of speech.
Around town here, is the idea of how small Sosua is. No, this is not the Sosua in which I live. The past couple of months, I don't believe I've crossed paths with any of those few who seem bent on writing malicious lies. Pretty kewl, huh? And if I have, I haven't noticed. Living one's own life here is the only way to fly.
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