Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Happy to see good people/update


We would never expect that everyone could agree on one point of view, but as evidenced here it is healthy to see that the majority of people (At least those reading this blog) are sensible and want a fair play standard

Again we apologize if we got out of the plan in laughing at people; it was intended as humor and hope the people that have tried to harm other understand they harm everyone in their narrow minded plan.

Blog Anon said...
To the writer of the longest comment in history: Nal, is that you? :) I had images of a feather pen in hand and the words 'four score and seven years ago'... I am still shaking my head over the paranoid and delusional accusations of certain commenters. For the record, I have no idea who began this blog or who writes it. I do have a wild guess in mind, and the belief that the intent was/is genuine. My contributions have been in the form of comments, each one of which I signed. Sorry to disappoint, anonymous ones! Please seek help.It is inspiring and refreshing to read thoughtful words expressing good ideas... even some of the 'great ideas' of western civilization. Thank you for that. For the most part, I agree. I do not believe that the internet world of 'Friends of the Dominican Republic'(is this a new blog?:)is as important to many of us who live here as might be inferred. I have no doubt it is more important to those who love this country and do not live here, but rely on internet communication to enjoy it-- as you say, Friends of the Dominican Republic. What I find astonishing is that it would seem some people living here actually exist behind computer screens to the extent that they might as well be sucked right in inside those computers, they have that little in communion with a vital, corporeal life in this country. I imagine many who wish they were living here also find it astonishing.If anyone is interested: my own life here has very little in common with the wild accusations I am told are still flying around cyberspace. I did read the hate blog after the digusting and entirely false accusations about the young girl I help put through school and her mother's "serious doubts" showed up on Dr1. It did not surprise me to know the pedophile blog disappeared in record time. It was the product of sick minds and zero credibility. Otherwise, do I waste my life reading hate blogs: no. Am I a friend of Scott's: yes.For contemplation, this might be of interest: I am finding it exceptionally liberating to walk all around Sosua, visiting the many places and people I regularly visit... knowing that I conduct myself open-heartedly and kindly to all. My friends know who I am. I have been enjoying the nightlife in town even more the past few weeks, because it is good to put it to the test and know one could tell one's own grandmother of one's conduct. So for those who are writing on some anonymous hate blogs and making it a game or a mission to manipulate, or coerce, or threaten, or embarrass--whatever it is you hope to accomplish--by way of hateful words, you're not worth my energy, and you will never have my energy. Aside from that, you will always be cowards. There is no comparison between one who writes his thoughts and signs his name, to those who do not.I will always defend the right to freedom of speech without fear of harrassment, especially within the boundaries of a personal journal.The basic tenet of freedom of speech is that in pursuing it for oneself, one does not intimidate others in their exercise of the same freedom. Personal threats, some sly and others very direct, have nothing in common with freedom of speech.Around town here, is the idea of how small Sosua is. No, this is not the Sosua in which I live. The past couple of months, I don't believe I've crossed paths with any of those few who seem bent on writing malicious lies. Pretty kewl, huh? And if I have, I haven't noticed. Living one's own life here is the only way to fly. dawnwil
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:04:49 PM

PKHart said...
About time! a person has the guts to say what i think all of feel about all these new blogs, they suck
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:55:18 AM

Anonymous said...
No idea who youa re, but please post more often. it is nice to see aqvoice of reason in what can sometimes be a wilderness
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:03:31 AM

DR1DefenderMember said...
SHUT UP ALREADY!.I was bored in 2 seconds.Oh dawnie you are so blind!.So much writings for no one to read.Good job!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:16:44 AM

Anonymous said...
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:33:35 AM

Anonymous said...
Wow - er yes - makes sense to me.I think all are a little tired of the hate blogs. The posters right - freedom of the internet will go if this carrys on.Perhaps we could all start over with our mutual love for the country being our bond?
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:55:49 AM

Anonymous said...
I hope that poster with the longest comment in web history did not think that anybody was going to read the whole crap. People just have to much time in their hands.Hey poster, get a danr hobby, will ya!.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:05:42 AM

Anonymous said...
I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment expressed in this appeal. All of the hate blogs are doing as much or more harm to the entire online DR community as they are to the intended targets.Yes, make your posts of disgust with certain individuals & refute them each time they make their posts online. However, the all out attacks are overkill & the focus of blogs and forum posts on personalities rather than DR content have made all DR forums a less pleasant place to visit & participate.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:40:53 AM

LIBRIAN said...
I agree. they certainly have taken the enjoyment I had in Blogging and I have contemplated stopping as my friends are now being subjected to abuse. Even those who were extremely close and have unfortunately left us have been subject to lies and libel. I have seen innocent photographs altered to make the person look deformed. I have read about the tragic death of a person being ridiculed and libelled by what can only be described as Yobbos.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:55:12 AM


At Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dawniepoo (hope that's not to formal), it's common knowledge that none other than your buddy xr, with help from TomD is the owner of the blog. I would have told you had you asked several days ago.

At Thursday, August 24, 2006 4:39:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I compliment you on your honesty and courage. In my opinion, many people stopped reading the hate blog when the haters continued to attack good people solely because they are friends of Scotts. They think what they are doing is justified, but they have zero credibility left. SOME of them had no credibility to start with, and those bored sophomoric (look it up in the dictionary; YOU know who YOU are) idiots who did not have respect in the first place lost any they might have had. They call everyone else "haters", but there are very few that are left unscathed in their paths; for this reason, they have become the masters of hate. They comment on the use of the word "friend" on Scott's blog, do a search on the word "hate" on their own blog. They win. Which word would the masses rather hear? They are the only people supporting and commenting on their own hateful words. They hide behind anonymous names and have others correct their usual mistakes so they can hide behind their usual idiotic rants....but they leave no doubt as to who they are. If you believe in freedom of speech, living your life with conscience, and not being subject to threat, libel, ridicule, and hate, stop supporting them. Stop reading the hate blogs, yes it is that easy. Don't log in, and in time maybe they will read the trash they have written and realize why people have stopped reading; they have hurt alot of good people. Take their audience away and be part of it no more.


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