Diego and Child Porn??????
This is something new, anyone know anything about this? Looks like a certain blog wants to keep it quiet
I have children also said...
DO YOU DARE PUBLISH THIS, I DON'T THINK THE SO CALLED EXPOSE BLOG DOES FOR reason OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST??????? Do the facts scare them?The truth about the so called Expose blog. Do they work for and with Diego and others to promote their agenda and suppress the truth? Why don't they report the FACTS and let the readers decide? What is the cover-up?They claim to report only "facts" when everything reported so far has been innuendo, while there are "facts" regarding Diego they are either afraid or have a compelling reason to NOT report them. You decide.
Tracy said... "I have children also said... Your reasoning is painfully obvious. there were many newspaper and first hand reports about Diego's arrest, the confiscation of his computer files and so forth. of course he says it was a setup, what would one expect But then again, if you are biased better to attack someone who has never been charged with anything than to go after the real child molesters, right?You can reply with whatever smart aleck reply you wish, but actions or lack of speak far louder than words
"I am not a smart (no one should EVER accuse you of that) aleck.I have presented you with an opportunity to substantiate your allegations. (seems you have yourself, why not follow up?) You can do it in public or in private by way of the comment section, titling your comment as "Not to be posted", if you prefer it to be private.This is the last opportunity I am offering.Anymore insinuations that I am protecting Diego will just be deleted.(What a shock, don't EVER let the truth get in the way of your slander blog))Either you have information, or you don't.We will not lower the standards of EXPOSE (LOWER, what is lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut?)to make you happy. We may get comical and even sarcastic at times, but we remain immune to anything resembling the truth.. 1:38 PM
The day you become factual is the same day Ducado sobers up, admit the truth everyone else already knowsDiego's story was profiled on DR1 and Life in the DR, of course it is deleted now but any good "Expose" reporter should be able to dig it upIt's too bad, up until now you have bee doing quite well showing some for what they really are. Once you start protecting one person your whole credibility is shot.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:07:35 PM