Monday, July 31, 2006

Catching up on comments

trina said...
I'm peeing my pants - please continue!

Monday, July 31, 2006 6:57:55 AM


We are trying, this is just a simple little blog for people to see themselves as others do, at least as we do.

This blog was sort of born from another than has a sole purpose of slamming one individual, we thought it would be fun to be "equal opportunity harasser” (IF that is a word. We really mean to animosity to anyone, it is each persons posting style that is reflected in our parodies

Dutiful said... I think it is the Great Brian AKA Ducado Monday, July 31, 2006 4:28:38 PM

Dutiful;We are not set us as a forum so it is hard to track which "guess" you are applying to, but Brian has yet to be advertised. Thanks for the feedback though
Monday, July 31, 2006 5:17:05 PM
Anonymous said...
So after a little less than a week, this blog has deteriorated into reporting (sometimes incorrectly) what has been posted in other blogs. How disappointing. I had great hopes for some humor and wit.
Monday, July 31, 2006 1:01:49 PM

Anonymous, if you would provide your name we would be most happy to try and inject a little wit and humor into your posting style!
Anonymous said...
I'm not thinking Brian Wales, I'm thinking Scandall Randall
Monday, July 31, 2006 2:24:27 PM

No Randall
Brian Wales said...
I don't pst after 8.30 pm or rarely and certainly not at 3 or 4 in the Morning - I have a businees to run - getting successful now too.
Monday, July 31, 2006 4:26:57 PM

And???? Please don't pst yourself on our blog :-)

All the above post were from “overnight news” and didn’t apply to a “mystery poster” so we will try and sort this guessing game out below

Blog Anon said...
Gee, do I have to do this again?Elementary, Dear Watson ... Rick Snyder is the winner of your latest guessing game.And I say this without prejudice, I can't remember ever reading the man's posts. But the clues are everywhere, and whoever you are, is it a stretch to suggest you are not overly fond of Rick Snyder? Holmes and Watson would have had it intstantly... the art of deduction from this very spot, or should I say, bored board. Siempre, with Courage and Confidence,dawn dawnwil Blog Anon (snappier now, eh?)PS I wish you were/are Scandall. A droll writerly feel here, this I like with even though I know Camden Tom to be a sweetheart and Rellosk I simply adore for his genuine generous heart. But such is within your Anonymous Rules, correct? You said so! If we feel well with one another.. carry on. Thanks for that. LOL
Monday, July 31, 2006 4:31:44 PM

That would be incorrect my Dear
Sy Sperling said...
Assuming Nah's hints are more accurate than the summaries,mountainfrog (Joined 2003, 1100+ posts) doesn't fit the bill. Gary Short comes closer.
Monday, July 31, 2006 4:32:34 PM

You mean the BBC does not have to worry about us?
Actually the person we were trying to suggest was none other than Celt2002, we couldn’t find any informative or helpful posts by this person so that was what separated this poster from those that you were suggesting

No one has even given this a go?

So, for poster # 3 of "Who is it"He is the great arbitrator, his decision make or break events. His travel to the Caribbean are legendary, but sometimes it is hard to know if he really is the world traveler he claims to be or someone deprived of their freedom
posted by Nah at
7/28/2006 09:05:00 PM 0 comments


At Monday, July 31, 2006 4:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is getting hard to read and disassociating.

Get it together!

Anonymously yours

At Monday, July 31, 2006 7:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never heard of this guy Celt2002

Really getting bored now - thought thiswas going to be fun and informative - Like Private Eye in Ergland was / is? and Frank in Canada was / Is?

You started off great but to be a Gossip Columnist - you have to be THERE all the time - the Whose this Jeorpardy thing is tiring - move on


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