Stop worrying
The very least thing we intend to do is cause dissent among those of you that actually do feel well about one another. Don't worry, be happy :-)
Do you read our blog regularly? Who do you think we are? As you are probably aware, their are few rules. We are here for your reading enjoyment, but you do not need to make head nor tails about our real purpose......wait we are about head and tail.....hummmm
Please place our links in your blogs, on other websites, tell your friends and families and stop worrying about who we are…
You continue in your mission to discovery our identity, you're just begging for it
But gotta luv this Blog. A person asks for suggestions and some of you miss the idea.
There are a couple members that have blogs that I like to keep up with, but I don’t feel the great need to meet them and I think they're pretty serious about this?
As for times of postings, you know All the rats & coackroaches come out to play at night.
It's going to be interesting to see how each person denied they are the owner of this blog, there will be some resistance.
I just heard it third hand that a poster on Drsol has it understood, but After running the text through the hieroglyphics translator, I still can't find the part about the OP being a male from Canada
We are a net importer of parody, please, No aggressive behavior, just enjoy and contribute
Not just your take, the posting parties are actually footing the bill, as they have already unscrupulously announced. By the way, did you hear that the “Esotty Blog” is unhappy with us?
Some could say Destructive clientelism? Actually, quite the contrary. Blog fiefdoms have been built, huge followings have been amassed -all based on the loyal readers of the friends and family of other blogs, who, in their ignorance, have not made the connection that it is the highly corrupt and clientelist political system that has forced them find alternative reading material
Worry not about who we are, but WHAT we are, a simple harmless equal opportunity site that hopes to parody all
Please place our links in your blogs, on other websites, tell your friends and families and stop worrying about who we are…
There is no real purpose for our existence, no matter what others espouse and their sometimes negative feelings, ther is no real reason for their animosity or for their worry, there is no cause for concern, trust us
We are your friends, your family, and your neighbors
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