Friday, July 28, 2006


-->Call us arrogant, call us presumptuous, but please call us………

Now that it has been about a week, we anticipate a little “rebuttal” from some people who have been profiled

In a preemptive “strike,” let us see if our particular brand of spot on analysis stays true


Unlikely to respond in person, maybe under a pseudonym if we aggravate him enough, he can’t delete us so what’s the sense?


Very surprised if any response at all, she appears infrequently and seldom if ever is involved in personalities


He may reply with words of wisdom, seemingly above the fray, but any acknowledgement would mean acceptance


Pretty certain he already has, with much screaming and kicking, stating he does only holy actions


Will probably laugh at us and say it is “fun” to be the focus of someone’s attention


Hard to predict, he appears to have taken a hiatus from posting, so it depends what is said from this point forward, both in comment and Blog


She will appear under a pseudonym with a tart reply, but no one will misunderstand who it is


Will tell us of yet another conquest of an 18 year old Doctor to be


Lets hope not, not sure how much space we are allowed and his reply could put us over quota


He might appear and explain how this Blog has increased visitatiuon to the DR


She hopefully will give advice on editing comments (being a computer Engineer) and send us some chocolate sunscreen


Depends on the phase of the moon and fairy princes


If his constitution allows him he may say what a waste we are

Danny W

Don’t anticipate a visit


Could give us a lesson on Dominican history, his style


Seems to be missing these days

Rick Snyder

We could be graced with a 7 page litany of posting etiquette


He will call us sock puppets, know who we are and say we are juvenile


Depends on who he fighting with these days


Who knows, if he can find some way to criticize he should be stopping in


He may offer us a few new wives

Tired, guess that wasn’t as interesting as could have been but am willing to bet we are over 75% correct


At Friday, July 28, 2006 9:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to be very short on comments back so I'll help a bit.

All good fun on MY profile but I do crib a bit at being called a CANADIAN!! Check my posts more carefully Old Son (or sons or girls!!) & you will see I am an "out & out BRIT!!"
Aged - True. @ 61 plus I think you can say that.
Pedofile tendancies - NOT IN A MILLION YEARS. Why do you think there are SOME DR websites I do NOT belong to?
Tourist Sex industry??> - I wish I was that attractive to them!
Looking for 'baccy & chocolates'? - Yup, but I PAY for them!
Sanctimonious? - I'll let those I help & my friends decide that, the oppinions of any others don't concern me!

You missed all the good stuff written by Bacalao some 18 months ago!! He was accusing me of pimping girls at the airport, making LOADS of money out of renting apartments, even selling my OWN body to Canadian women!! With a body like mine I don't think I could ever make a living at that so have never got round to trying.

By the way, Our house is a little bit bigger than a condo - hence the need to send e-mails or PM's to each other. When you get to be as old as we are, getting up out of the seat to go from ONE office to the other, can be very wearying on the old arthritic joints!!

Now - what about Tom D'?? Concentrate a bit more on the Old Man up the hill with his earings too!! You seem to have missed that very successful businessman creating crafted wines! You have LOADS more people to concentrate on yet so keep up the good work to let us see how others see us!! SOME of us can take the heat!! BLP, GWB, Bushbaby, Grahame & Wearer of the purple feather boa!!(if you can take photos on here I will show you that one!!)

At Saturday, July 29, 2006 7:14:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi brian wales, seems like business is dead slow now-a-days, so I see you have plenty of time to keep 3 blogs alive. Whats the matter, your night-train is not selling well?

At Saturday, July 29, 2006 7:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GWB, thanks a bunch for bringing up my name, but I believe it has been so long since any posts have appeared under my name that it may be unknown to anyone that has not been around for a few years

I do find this spot interesting, but personally would hit somewhat heavier on a few "special" people

At Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:01:00 AM, Blogger Escott said...

Hey, I thought it was hilarious. You did hit some people rather hard for no reason but I for the most part enjoyed your take.

Two things.

1. I havent had a conquest in so long I forget who goes on top.
2. I haven't had dinner with the President.

Hope that helps~! LOL


At Saturday, July 29, 2006 2:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not my BLOG - I have only one active

Living the adventure

If you read it, you will see we are very busy indeed - July was a great Month - August we know will be better.

Sorry to disappoint you all

Brian Wales
Ducado de Montesol S.A.

At Saturday, July 29, 2006 5:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shoulda known nothing this creative would have come from the mouth of Brian Wales


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