Monday, August 07, 2006

DR Posters go to Hollywood

Rumor has it that traffic on the DR boards has been so slow, most of the members traveled to Hollywood for a casting call to remake old movies and Television programs

Many of these people, having a preconceived notion of themselves had selected parts for the producers to cast; the results:AZB thought he would be great in Omar Shariff’s award winning roles in Dr Zhivago, He apparently “read” well and they figured with a little makeup he would do fine, so off to makeup and costuming he went.

Somewhere there was as a mix-up and AZB entered makeup, they sat him down, ripped off his shirt, wrapped it around his head in a Turban and shaved his back, sending him back as an overweight Gandhi

Planner had designs on a movie depicting the life of Marilyn Monroe, after her audition she was offered a comedy spot as Joan Rivers Mother

Grahame and Ginnie showed up together hoping to continue on where Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor left off: They won places as the Ropers on Three’s Company.

Escott figured he was the ONLY one who could play Donald Trumps Biography, instead he got the Role of Moses in the Greatest Story ever told (Don’t forget play on words)

Hillbilly stopped by looking for his “place in the Sun” and was promptly cast, without makeup as Uncle Jesse in a Dukes of Hazzard remake. Coincidentally, Amy02654 got an immediate offer to star as a Young Daisy Dukes

Rocky had hoped to take Sylvester Stallones place in Rocky 59, but instead was cast as Barney Fife in a remake of the Andy Griffith Show

Rob was looking along the lines of Errol Flynn, but Spielberg took one look and said “We have Yoda, no makeup needed

Rellosk tried out for Tarzan part, but his Toupee kept clogging the test pool filters so he was offered Yul Brenner in the King and I

Chris was ambling for Jodie Foster in Contact 2, “The storm” but instead got an offer to play Queen Latifah in TAxi 2

They weren’t sure what to do with Carina, she didn’t get the Britney Spears body double position she felt she was perfect for, so they made her a Chinese peasant carrying a bamboo pole with water jugs in a remake of Apocalypse now

Music Queen was looking to fit into a Demi Moore type role, costuming said she would have to pay for the extra 12 yards of cloth for each costume, and the insurance estimator refused to let her try and push her boobs forward in every picture fearing the fabric may break and injure someone, she was cast as Aunt Bea in Andy Griffith alongside Rocky as Barney

Ken made a commercial for Mint Patties, he was the elderly gentleman who bites the patty than shouts “I’ve got a feeling” When queried “what feeling” Ken only had to reply, “I don’t care, I have a feeling for the first time in 30 years”

XR asked for Russel Crowe’s role in the Gladiator remake, he got Napoleon in exile on Alba instead.

CamdenTom figured hi beautiful hair and rugged good looks would land him a Brad Pitt type role, but after makeup tried 14 times to design some sort of a strong chin (Or any chin for that matter) for Tom, they gave up and decided his square head would be great for Frankenstein sans makeup

And as they were trying to finalize the cast for Star Wars 129, George Lucas spied Cris Colon and sighed “I can’t believe it, a natural Jabba the Hut

Dawnwill was hoping for a role portraying Mary Poppins, instead she was cast as
Eleanor Roosevelt

Cleef figured the role of Ted Williams was his for the asking, what a surprise when he got that of Babe Ruth

NALS offered to re write the entire script of War and Peace, after a 28 hour interview the producers gave him a job promoting a competing movie. They figured by the time anyone finally read his verbiage about the other movie, War and peace would have been released on DVD for the 3rd time

Mainegirl was given the leading role in the remake of Carrie, the resemblance to Sissy Spacek was uncanny

Golo was immediately signed to replace Anthony Hopkins in Psycho

I’m sure more will come to mind, but we needed to do something for the poor child who spends endless hours sending us message full of zzzz

Ooops, before we forget Miguel asked to do a new Terminator movie replacing Schwarzenegger, but replaced Her’ve Villechaize as Tattoo on Fantasy Island, “De plane boss, de Plane”

This is what browsing the media gallery does for ones mind

Send us YOUR suggestions for movie roles


At Monday, August 07, 2006 3:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Linda Wales should have been cast as Laura Burney in "Sleeping with the Enemy".

At Monday, August 07, 2006 4:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone once commented that Grahame Bush bore a striking resemblance to Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs. Grahame even reproduces Hannibals infamous fava beans and chianti sound when thinking about making a commission.

At Monday, August 07, 2006 4:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eleanor Roosevelt quote:

Great minds discuss ideas
Average minds discuss events
Small minds discuss people

At Monday, August 07, 2006 4:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be XR as Napolean on exile in Alba???
maybe he should have been in the Monty Python dwarf film 'The Time Bandits'

At Monday, August 07, 2006 4:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bwahahaha, this is funny stuff!

Thanks for the entertainment and the laughs

At Monday, August 07, 2006 9:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inclusion in this - I was beginning to think you had forgotten about us.

I am sorry that being Brits, we are unaware of the 'Ropers' in 'Three's Company', was it a comedy series? I thought of us more as the old couple in the comedy series shown in England called 'Waiting for God'. This couple were in a "Retirement Home" & regularly had run ins with the management (& others) who tried to force them into circumstances/situations which as free thinkers & individuals they did not wish to be "Pidgeonholed" in to!! Having plenty of time on their hands, they always seemed to win the battles against the schemeing authoritarians!!

Nice to see our own Osama Bin Laden posting under the name of Librian ... Howdy Brian!! I won't bother responding too much as you have enough problems to handle at the moment as I hear!

Anonymous could be any of the anonymae (or is that anonymi)that feel it wrong to put a name to what they write, so I shall leave him/her to fester too!!

Again NAH, thanks for the laugh here - I take the blog for what it is, a good skit on life in the DR & posters on all boards. DR1 gets the brunt because it has been going longer & certainly has many more posters to ridicule! I am sure we will all band together one day to sue you!!!

At Tuesday, August 08, 2006 5:52:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue them, screw them, who cares, I enjoy some of it and get a good hoot tout of it. Some people can not understand when people are joking and take their board "personality" too far

The ROPERS were the landlords for the two girls (Suzanne Sommers big break) and one guy (John Ritter) in the 80's sitcom where Ritter pretended to be gay to be allowed to live with the girls to save money

The Ropers were middle aged frustrated couple, she disgusted with Stanley's apparent "Lack of interest" and Stanley trying to find a way to glimpse the girls upstairs

I would say they gave you a "good one" on your characters, a couple with spirit well younger than their years


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