DR1 "Experts"
You have to love the “D1 Experts” One poor guy asks the self proclaimed “Computer experts” Rocky, Chris and Robert about a modem problem, He explains that the computer won’t recognize the COM Port. Expert Rocky asks “What is a Com port” (Damm, remind me not to have Rocky work on my computer)
The “Experts” finally decide the gay has a PCMCIA modem card, you know the ones that slide into the side of a laptop? Only problem is: none of the experts pick up on the fact the guy said he tried the modem on his DESKTOP. I’m dumb, but I can’t recall any desktops with PCMCIA slots
Oh well, the “Experts” will figure it out, tell the guy to take his computer back to where he bought it and they will have “Solved his problem” There is hope though, computer engineer Chris may take time out from he weather forecasting to solve the problem?
Hey, it’s a slow day :-)
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