Monday, August 07, 2006

From one of our more astute posters (We have a few)

IF we are able to figure it out, and have some participation of real people, this "Speakeasy" may actually be born as a message board, sort of like one of the simple BRAVENET Boards

We have noticed a big drop in traffic on all THREE DR Boards, we can't imaging having your name parodied would cause people to stop posting, and certainly are not so pompous to believe that, but if anyone has any evidence this is true, PLEASE let us know as this would defeat our entire purpose, kill the golden goose, shoot ourselves in the foot and so on. We don't want any harm to come to those boards, they are our "Rice Bowl," without them and their cast of characters we do not exist

Likely just a coincidence, I hope :-(

Coming soon: Our honest, not satirical opinions of posters. This will take some time, piss quite a few off etc. It will be based on reviews of posts (We have been searching archives from Day 1) snippets of personal information posted purposely or inadvertently, nosey neighbors, anything we could find. if you want to tell us anything about yourself to clear the record BEFORE we post, feel free

That's all for tonight, sleep for a while, hit the delete all button for man/child in the morning and , who knows, it's nice to not have to work :-)

And now a message from a decent poster, with an idea we really like
Dear nah,Holy wow, my internet connection went down 2 days ago and I had to put a message on hold. Now I can't make head nor tails of the events here. This is an excellent sign. Despite some kicking and griping to the contrary, you might be filling a void in the DR message board circuit. The drowned-out, shut-out, and off-topic voices have an after hours joint in which to hang out and duke it out. It tickles my funny bone the way you keep apologizing for deleting one poster's comments. Purely for the humor of it, mind you,I don't care who the poster may or may not be. I do find it boring to read the small minded gutter language. Witless. I'm not so sure about the ID of Miggles. I never read many of his posts on DR1, if it's who you think it is. Too longwinded, my eyes crossed whenever I tried to get through them. . Anyway, nah, your place is beginning to resemble an internet speakeasy… isn't the word 'speakeasy' too cool in this context? I picture an old Chicago style after-hours blues bar, downstairs, transit tracks overhead, Dickless Tracy, other famous detectives, and all manner of gangsters wandering in at all hours, concealed verbal weapons drawn and ready. Uh huh, I like the feel. It's all in Toon Town Technicolor, as well. I can't remember the name of that film from awhile ago, where everyone turned into their 'toon images. Surreal.ON some writer's boards, I had always found that flame wars fed more participation than anything real or substantial—one only has to watch the number of hits on anything resembling a flame war to see the truth of this. Writers are way more accomplished at verbal jousting than the flames one sees in the typical DR message board battle. The DR1 flames are kindergarten in comparison. Either scenario, the majority not actually in the arena fighting are no different than the spectators of old Rome. Christians & lions, and such. Bloodlust. Just one more aspect of good ol' human nature. Some things never change.I had begun to ask, before the internet connection failed, if you had noticed my parody of the 'name that poster' game? Heck, you obviously have much bigger fish to fry… or is that roast? I was very relieved to see I did not correctly guess #4! I admitted I never read Rick Snyder's posts, not a one. :) I never even checked to see what new posters might have qualified. It was hearsay and assumption only. Holmes, if he existed, would be mortified.For the love of parody! How many ever do consider the posts/thoughts of others? I guess you know that. Which is why "Know it alls in DR" took on a life of its own. heh. It's true! One question: are there more know-it-alls here (DR) than elsewhere? … I had some thoughts on this, but they were serious ones, and really that's not what this speakeasy is about. I'm trying to think of a way to participate; I'd much rather clown around than be serious, but I spend pitiful little time on the boards, so what's to contribute?


At Tuesday, August 08, 2006 6:02:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please. Miggles is DR1's Miguel, the know is all who knows nothing.

At Tuesday, August 08, 2006 7:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice writing dawn

At Tuesday, August 08, 2006 8:13:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope we are not talking about the one and only Dawnwil, the only womnn sick enough to be with the Sosua Mongol?.

How can she. How can anybody. Those brown teeths, yuck.

At Tuesday, August 08, 2006 3:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thin anonymous above is Yuck...
Why do you have opinions about who spends time with whom? Does it bother you that people can chose themselves? Would you prefer to deside this for everyone?
How about you deside for you, and let others deside for themselves?

Dawn is everything but sick. But you wouldn´t know, would you?

At Tuesday, August 08, 2006 4:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last "Anonymous", anybody who spends time with that man, is, maybe not sick, but brain-washed.

She is a very smart women but everybody who knows them know that she is 100 times better than him.

She is disliked not because of her but because of him. Not fair but that's life.

Like they say; it's about the company one keeps.

But we all know love is blind, stupid and very dumm.

At Tuesday, August 08, 2006 8:49:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is just like this blogzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:01:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Settle down, Miguel and Carina. I thought the both of you were the closest of friends? You need to remain friends so that someone will kiss each others rears.

At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 1:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miguel and Carina, the closest of friends?.

Now I know that this blog is crap.

Those 2 never see eye to eye.

Care to tell us how you know they posted those comments because it's my understanding that Miguel lost a family member and is not posting in DR1 or any place else.

At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 1:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carina/skrojsan(DR1 identity)/sue/anonymous:

Do you remember when you posted this in the comments?

Carina said...
Hi there "anonymous"! No Sue is not my middle name, it does not even exist in the country where I come from. I always use my own name, even as a username , post what I can sign, and think the rest. So sorry, can not take the blame for this one, search on.

I have to laugh at you. You stir the pot, and you think you are not getting burned. Your name is on everything you write because of your bad spelling, your bad grammar, and your writing style. Even your apostrophe key says Carina, because You Are Using the Wrong One!, consistent in your blog and everything else you type. So when you think you are anonymous, think again. Everyone knows that you are a 2-faced gossiper that spreads terrible things about everyone and then pretends to be a saint. Could you tell us where the Dominicankids auction money has gone?

At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 4:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, I thought you guys meant miguel and "trina". They never see eye to eye.

As far as miggles and carina, sorry, I don't have any gossip on them. If they are best friends, they play if off real well.

Sorry again for the mistake.

At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a fair point - what did happen to the dominican kids money. There has been no update - and i contributed.

Wheres the update guys??

At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you guys implying that carina has anything to do with the money.

It's my understanding that ESCOTT is involved in that charity also.

I mean, lets ask the big fish.

I know this comment will not make make it but let's blame the right person here.

At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 10:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous, my name is trina :-)

Honestly, Miguel is harmless...I just like to play with him, you know, rile him up a little - it's all in fun. I have nothing against him, and I would never decline meeting him in person. I think he might be quite an allright person away from the board.

At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 10:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for these terrible comments about Dawn, I have met her, and she is one great lady. Why is everyone so concerned about who she spends her time with? It's her life, so let her live it. I don't think anyone likes to be judged by the company they keep, because who is one person's junk is another person's treasure!


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