Yet another slow day, people are unhappy with us, we are failing :-(
One anonymous poster even told us to move on or quit, I suppose we have no choice given that damming comment, but.........
What WE read today!!!!!
In the News
First, a thank you to the “Snotty blog” copying our light hearted “news review” in admittedly your own fashion is the sincerest form of flattery. Could this be the new trend in message boards: encapsulated briefs?
Things do seem to be getting out of hand with this liquor curfew; poor Mirador was apparently enjoying a fine cut of beef (unknown what country it was slaughtered in) when the police decided it was past curfew and a great tugging match ensued with Mirador losing his dentures in a tug of war for the PRIME CUT.
On the domestic scene, Snuffy is still having a time with his maid and Chris drank the bleach and hid the good china to prevent her maid from absconding with them. Uggh, the trials and tribulations of the rich . One would think an Electrical engineer/Computer Expert/world sailor/chemist etc etc etc could solve the chemical dependency of her maid? get a boot on Chris
On the Military issue, Mirador has reverted back to his USA recriminations,, saying the Military is NOT the answer to drug trafficking. Does anyone know where this came from, yet an another conspiracy for Mirador to solve? On with it Professor Gadget.
Corporal Cod is concerned about the Draft?
CG-Lt (Coast Guard Lieutenant?) has decided the power barge at Samana is too much; he is going to “blow” the damm thing
This new liquor law is getting a lot of play, The Chiro from Cairo feels that tourist drink too much an should be happy with the new law, he claims he doesn’t need to get his wives drunk anyway,he just pays them extra if they have to sleep with him sober!
As far as Helpman is concerned, screw the old farts that quit at 10pm, he wants to drink all night JRR fills up with dog piss in the morning, or is that he fills up at local Colmado while dog pisses? Hard to tell as apparently Moderator Chris "takes care" of any posting errors for JRR???
The Dutchman and Johe can’t seem to agree on whether there is a Marshall upholding the law or if it might truly be martial law, but what the hell.
Annnnnnd would anyone be surprised if old Mirador sees a surprise in this? It is his belief this is the beginning of a fascist movement to take over the DR? WHERE do his rants come from?
On the political scene, elchino awakens to the idea that Ranger Rick, I mean Butcher Boy is really a CIA plant sent to destabilize the DR, good God, are these people for real? To top if off, Gary Short sees a Commie plot here also, is “Tail Gunner Joe” back?
IS the DR falling to Communism/Fascism, who will save Mary from the Rail Road tracks?
Johne asks if there truly are people that would cancel their vacation to the DR due to being arrested at machine gun point for drinking at 12:01 am, hell yah!!!!
On the sankie page, Musicqueen and ggrande aren’t too happy (either Tony ran out of Cialas or he sobered up) Northcoast Newbie is getting a free ride, they claim discrimination
The flea is thankful for Roberts’s article on AIDS, very scary and sad
In the weather department, truly is concerned with August weather but Conchman assures that it might rain, or then again might not
We have woken a sleeping Giant Miguel returns from retirement to blast AZB for blasting him, simply scintillating
Shhssss Celt2002 had a beer after hours in his own house and wasn’t afraid of ‘burp” guns, this guy reads too many comic books and old war movies, “burp guns?”
Tamborista weighs in on the beef situation, no comments but wants us to know he has heard of Peter Lugar’s, name drop
Speaking of Sleeping Giants, Atfab shoots back at Miguel for his comments…can you just picture two Mexican Hairless (On the head at least) dogs at their end of their leashes yapping at one another?
IN the news, Vince quotes Dominican Today regarding the DR winning 95 medals, Dolores quickly inserts her foot in mouth by saying “old news” we scooped them though Dom Today was posted at 7:30 am and her version (Which had incorrect medal count) wasn’t posted until after noon? Who has “old news” Dolly?
Doctor Rocky diagnoses a case of schizophrenia in Sosua, a much needed break from Tourism officer and putting his Medical degree to use once again.
DRSol land, Tom is still confused and in the hopping Life inthedr arena, Rellosk doesn’t like cabbies, slow day I would say
And way over at Lifeinthedr, poor Ducado put his foot so far in his mouth he can scratch his ass with his toes. His spelling is a bit remiss also, but as long as he gets some free legal advice he promise to get his cookies off!
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 139
Originally Posted by Ducado
The People of United States of America are not the best at speaking and or writing the English Language - We have come to expect this from the Colonies LOL - but if you think this is ever going to be recognised as speaking, in your case "normal" and in mine, 'normally' - someone must have pulled ' the wool, or dit it fall, over your eyes' - so sorry but could not resist. How do you think this type of speech would sound as a State of The Union Address. Potato(e)s accepted.
Funny thing is that the post you copied was posted by a brit, not by an american