Monday, July 31, 2006

Yet another slow day, people are unhappy with us, we are failing :-(

One anonymous poster even told us to move on or quit, I suppose we have no choice given that damming comment, but.........

What WE read today!!!!!

In the News

First, a thank you to the “Snotty blog” copying our light hearted “news review” in admittedly your own fashion is the sincerest form of flattery. Could this be the new trend in message boards: encapsulated briefs?

Things do seem to be getting out of hand with this liquor curfew; poor Mirador was apparently enjoying a fine cut of beef (unknown what country it was slaughtered in) when the police decided it was past curfew and a great tugging match ensued with Mirador losing his dentures in a tug of war for the PRIME CUT.

On the domestic scene, Snuffy is still having a time with his maid and Chris drank the bleach and hid the good china to prevent her maid from absconding with them. Uggh, the trials and tribulations of the rich . One would think an Electrical engineer/Computer Expert/world sailor/chemist etc etc etc could solve the chemical dependency of her maid? get a boot on Chris

On the Military issue, Mirador has reverted back to his USA recriminations,, saying the Military is NOT the answer to drug trafficking. Does anyone know where this came from, yet an another conspiracy for Mirador to solve? On with it Professor Gadget.

Corporal Cod is concerned about the Draft?

CG-Lt (Coast Guard Lieutenant?) has decided the power barge at Samana is too much; he is going to “blow” the damm thing

This new liquor law is getting a lot of play, The Chiro from Cairo feels that tourist drink too much an should be happy with the new law, he claims he doesn’t need to get his wives drunk anyway,he just pays them extra if they have to sleep with him sober!
As far as Helpman is concerned, screw the old farts that quit at 10pm, he wants to drink all night JRR fills up with dog piss in the morning, or is that he fills up at local Colmado while dog pisses? Hard to tell as apparently Moderator Chris "takes care" of any posting errors for JRR???

The Dutchman and Johe can’t seem to agree on whether there is a Marshall upholding the law or if it might truly be martial law, but what the hell.

Annnnnnd would anyone be surprised if old Mirador sees a surprise in this? It is his belief this is the beginning of a fascist movement to take over the DR? WHERE do his rants come from?

On the political scene, elchino awakens to the idea that Ranger Rick, I mean Butcher Boy is really a CIA plant sent to destabilize the DR, good God, are these people for real? To top if off, Gary Short sees a Commie plot here also, is “Tail Gunner Joe” back?
IS the DR falling to Communism/Fascism, who will save Mary from the Rail Road tracks?

Johne asks if there truly are people that would cancel their vacation to the DR due to being arrested at machine gun point for drinking at 12:01 am, hell yah!!!!

On the sankie page, Musicqueen and ggrande aren’t too happy (either Tony ran out of Cialas or he sobered up) Northcoast Newbie is getting a free ride, they claim discrimination

The flea is thankful for Roberts’s article on AIDS, very scary and sad

In the weather department, truly is concerned with August weather but Conchman assures that it might rain, or then again might not

We have woken a sleeping Giant Miguel returns from retirement to blast AZB for blasting him, simply scintillating

Shhssss Celt2002 had a beer after hours in his own house and wasn’t afraid of ‘burp” guns, this guy reads too many comic books and old war movies, “burp guns?”

Tamborista weighs in on the beef situation, no comments but wants us to know he has heard of Peter Lugar’s, name drop

Speaking of Sleeping Giants, Atfab shoots back at Miguel for his comments…can you just picture two Mexican Hairless (On the head at least) dogs at their end of their leashes yapping at one another?

IN the news, Vince quotes Dominican Today regarding the DR winning 95 medals, Dolores quickly inserts her foot in mouth by saying “old news” we scooped them though Dom Today was posted at 7:30 am and her version (Which had incorrect medal count) wasn’t posted until after noon? Who has “old news” Dolly?

Doctor Rocky diagnoses a case of schizophrenia in Sosua, a much needed break from Tourism officer and putting his Medical degree to use once again.

DRSol land, Tom is still confused and in the hopping Life inthedr arena, Rellosk doesn’t like cabbies, slow day I would say

And way over at Lifeinthedr, poor Ducado put his foot so far in his mouth he can scratch his ass with his toes. His spelling is a bit remiss also, but as long as he gets some free legal advice he promise to get his cookies off!

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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 139
Originally Posted by Ducado
The People of United States of America are not the best at speaking and or writing the English Language - We have come to expect this from the Colonies LOL - but if you think this is ever going to be recognised as speaking, in your case "normal" and in mine, 'normally' - someone must have pulled ' the wool, or dit it fall, over your eyes' - so sorry but could not resist. How do you think this type of speech would sound as a State of The Union Address. Potato(e)s accepted.

Funny thing is that the post you copied was posted by a brit, not by an american

Catching up on comments

trina said...
I'm peeing my pants - please continue!

Monday, July 31, 2006 6:57:55 AM


We are trying, this is just a simple little blog for people to see themselves as others do, at least as we do.

This blog was sort of born from another than has a sole purpose of slamming one individual, we thought it would be fun to be "equal opportunity harasser” (IF that is a word. We really mean to animosity to anyone, it is each persons posting style that is reflected in our parodies

Dutiful said... I think it is the Great Brian AKA Ducado Monday, July 31, 2006 4:28:38 PM

Dutiful;We are not set us as a forum so it is hard to track which "guess" you are applying to, but Brian has yet to be advertised. Thanks for the feedback though
Monday, July 31, 2006 5:17:05 PM
Anonymous said...
So after a little less than a week, this blog has deteriorated into reporting (sometimes incorrectly) what has been posted in other blogs. How disappointing. I had great hopes for some humor and wit.
Monday, July 31, 2006 1:01:49 PM

Anonymous, if you would provide your name we would be most happy to try and inject a little wit and humor into your posting style!
Anonymous said...
I'm not thinking Brian Wales, I'm thinking Scandall Randall
Monday, July 31, 2006 2:24:27 PM

No Randall
Brian Wales said...
I don't pst after 8.30 pm or rarely and certainly not at 3 or 4 in the Morning - I have a businees to run - getting successful now too.
Monday, July 31, 2006 4:26:57 PM

And???? Please don't pst yourself on our blog :-)

All the above post were from “overnight news” and didn’t apply to a “mystery poster” so we will try and sort this guessing game out below

Blog Anon said...
Gee, do I have to do this again?Elementary, Dear Watson ... Rick Snyder is the winner of your latest guessing game.And I say this without prejudice, I can't remember ever reading the man's posts. But the clues are everywhere, and whoever you are, is it a stretch to suggest you are not overly fond of Rick Snyder? Holmes and Watson would have had it intstantly... the art of deduction from this very spot, or should I say, bored board. Siempre, with Courage and Confidence,dawn dawnwil Blog Anon (snappier now, eh?)PS I wish you were/are Scandall. A droll writerly feel here, this I like with even though I know Camden Tom to be a sweetheart and Rellosk I simply adore for his genuine generous heart. But such is within your Anonymous Rules, correct? You said so! If we feel well with one another.. carry on. Thanks for that. LOL
Monday, July 31, 2006 4:31:44 PM

That would be incorrect my Dear
Sy Sperling said...
Assuming Nah's hints are more accurate than the summaries,mountainfrog (Joined 2003, 1100+ posts) doesn't fit the bill. Gary Short comes closer.
Monday, July 31, 2006 4:32:34 PM

You mean the BBC does not have to worry about us?
Actually the person we were trying to suggest was none other than Celt2002, we couldn’t find any informative or helpful posts by this person so that was what separated this poster from those that you were suggesting

No one has even given this a go?

So, for poster # 3 of "Who is it"He is the great arbitrator, his decision make or break events. His travel to the Caribbean are legendary, but sometimes it is hard to know if he really is the world traveler he claims to be or someone deprived of their freedom
posted by Nah at
7/28/2006 09:05:00 PM 0 comments

Coming Soon, a poster you have all been asking about, and..

Someone left a comment saying "you have too much time on your hands" If that is true, what does it say about this person that reads our little parody and offers up a comment?

Keep thinking "it's only a place to see yourself as others see you" with a little impersonal commentary thrown in

What! We still have a couple unnamed posters, for our resident sleuths, we need to solve that before we can post anymore

Overnight Bored News

In the overnight news


Johne is unhappy with GAWK saying he should have freedom to drink, Johne feels “Marshall” law is effective (Ah, lets try martial law John)

Mirador feels that the rights of the Dominican citizen are being removed and feels the need to quote an American Statesman, apparently unable to find a suitable DR quote? I thought Miraodr felt the US was still trying to corrupt the DR?

Tor responds that the DR is far more restrictive that Europe.

Do they all live in the same country?

In a surprising turn of events, Northcoastnewbie is treated very politely when asking about marrying what usually is called a sankiette, even the Old humbug Hillbilly is in agreement

Where is Anna C on this one? Is she sleeping or has she found a secret lover? There may even be hope for me if she can still "get a feeling"

Rick Snyder has moved on from being General Rick Snyder to Rick Snyder the butcher.

Easygoing, Mirador and other don’t believe you can get a good steak in the DR, but Rick has scoured the internet to become an instant meat expert, man does that guy need a hobby. I wonder if he eats meat?

The alcohol argument, I could spend hours trying to produce a position paper for all the opinions, personally we think it will last about 7 more days

Rick Snyder, who “Has little interest” in the Dominican Military posts 29 pages on why they should exist, should not exist or maybe are just a figment of our imagination. What does this man do? No interest in the DR military Rick, or no other interests in life?

Gary short feels they need to take on a more humanitarian role and Joel Pacio offers real ideas for improvement????????? He tries to compare the DR to Mexico but Gary feels that is not possible as the DR is virgin. First time DR and Virgin have been used in same sentence

It only took him 25 years, but Robert has discovered Continentals Presidents Club and Mirador astutely points out the website Robert posts is incorrect, BREAKING NEWS!!!!!

Snuffy still has domestic problems and even Hillbilly can’t help him out

Robert posts more “Fantastic” articles about Dominican Americans, American Dominicans, Presidents and surprise surprise, Football

Joel Pacino continues to provide historical data about Trujillo; people are finally starting to believe him

In DRSol land

Tom told Condi rice how to solve the Middle East problem and XR got stepped on by an elephant

No one is up in………………

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Another guess, we need some feedback :-(

This has the possibility of fit several posters, but is directed to be one

HE has been around only a short time, but has amassed several hundred posts on

He fancies himself a military expert and has derogatory comments to anyone else that offers an opinion on almost any subject, lest it be a joke or serious commentary. He only comments when it appears other of the reigning popular posters have taken their pokes at a person.

He lacks creativity and thrives on attempts at maligning others

He has yet to post one single item (That we can find) of any constructive or material use, instead only insults others on that board, a follower.

A lonely fellow with the witless reply and ability to pose most of his answers as what one might call “kissing ass"

This could be interesting as it fits several, but one fitting all criteria

Stop worrying

The very least thing we intend to do is cause dissent among those of you that actually do feel well about one another. Don't worry, be happy :-)

Do you read our blog regularly? Who do you think we are? As you are probably aware, their are few rules. We are here for your reading enjoyment, but you do not need to make head nor tails about our real purpose......wait we are about head and tail.....hummmm

Please place our links in your blogs, on other websites, tell your friends and families and stop worrying about who we are…

You continue in your mission to discovery our identity, you're just begging for it

But gotta luv this Blog. A person asks for suggestions and some of you miss the idea.

There are a couple members that have blogs that I like to keep up with, but I don’t feel the great need to meet them and I think they're pretty serious about this?

As for times of postings, you know All the rats & coackroaches come out to play at night.

It's going to be interesting to see how each person denied they are the owner of this blog, there will be some resistance.

I just heard it third hand that a poster on Drsol has it understood, but After running the text through the hieroglyphics translator, I still can't find the part about the OP being a male from Canada

We are a net importer of parody, please, No aggressive behavior, just enjoy and contribute

Not just your take, the posting parties are actually footing the bill, as they have already unscrupulously announced. By the way, did you hear that the “Esotty Blog” is unhappy with us?

Some could say Destructive clientelism? Actually, quite the contrary. Blog fiefdoms have been built, huge followings have been amassed -all based on the loyal readers of the friends and family of other blogs, who, in their ignorance, have not made the connection that it is the highly corrupt and clientelist political system that has forced them find alternative reading material

Worry not about who we are, but WHAT we are, a simple harmless equal opportunity site that hopes to parody all

Please place our links in your blogs, on other websites, tell your friends and families and stop worrying about who we are…

There is no real purpose for our existence, no matter what others espouse and their sometimes negative feelings, ther is no real reason for their animosity or for their worry, there is no cause for concern, trust us

We are your friends, your family, and your neighbors

Saturday, July 29, 2006

First time comment/Thank you Dawn

Dawn posted her first comment on this blog (See "Another One" ) and not only got the poster but raised an interesting issue, that of anonymity

Some say this blog has little relevance as comments are not required to be "signed" and we ourselves are anonymous so no weight should be given to this blog. If that is your feeling, so be it. We would of course like as much participation as possible but will not change the format as it would destroy the purpose

Having been around the DR boards for about three years, I have seen that if your views are controversial or in contrast with the owners of ALL the boards, you will be attacked, censored and or banned.

The entire purpose of this blog is what we have stated, to add a little levity into the sometime extreme hostility pervasive on those boards, show you what your fellow posters think of you, I doubt this would work if anyone were required to post their name

Dawn, thank you for commenting, guessing the poster and having the confidence to post your name

Question #2


Another late 40's maybe 50 ish poster (Not that age is any problem, just funny when some people don't seem to realize it is a natural process and are determined to believe it somehow escaped them) who is critical of "Sankies" and "Sankietees" but partakes in that very same adventure. Dress is very inconsistent with true age and probably the most obvious of all the boards in trying to look 20 years younger than really is. Needs a fashion consultant and clothing about 2 sizes larger

Friday, July 28, 2006

Another guess

Are we getting boring already? Do we need to up the ante?

Well in any circumstance, here is another little tidbit to keep you busy

We have definitely found some other interesting characters but need to see if there is interest, so let us know. Hey, we are attention junkies that thrive on controversy and comment, readers are power :-)

And to keep you busy..

So, for poster # 3 of "Who is it"

He is the great arbitrator, his decision make or break events. His travel to the Caribbean are legendary, but sometimes it is hard to know if he really is the world traveler he claims to be or someone deprived of their freedom


-->Call us arrogant, call us presumptuous, but please call us………

Now that it has been about a week, we anticipate a little “rebuttal” from some people who have been profiled

In a preemptive “strike,” let us see if our particular brand of spot on analysis stays true


Unlikely to respond in person, maybe under a pseudonym if we aggravate him enough, he can’t delete us so what’s the sense?


Very surprised if any response at all, she appears infrequently and seldom if ever is involved in personalities


He may reply with words of wisdom, seemingly above the fray, but any acknowledgement would mean acceptance


Pretty certain he already has, with much screaming and kicking, stating he does only holy actions


Will probably laugh at us and say it is “fun” to be the focus of someone’s attention


Hard to predict, he appears to have taken a hiatus from posting, so it depends what is said from this point forward, both in comment and Blog


She will appear under a pseudonym with a tart reply, but no one will misunderstand who it is


Will tell us of yet another conquest of an 18 year old Doctor to be


Lets hope not, not sure how much space we are allowed and his reply could put us over quota


He might appear and explain how this Blog has increased visitatiuon to the DR


She hopefully will give advice on editing comments (being a computer Engineer) and send us some chocolate sunscreen


Depends on the phase of the moon and fairy princes


If his constitution allows him he may say what a waste we are

Danny W

Don’t anticipate a visit


Could give us a lesson on Dominican history, his style


Seems to be missing these days

Rick Snyder

We could be graced with a 7 page litany of posting etiquette


He will call us sock puppets, know who we are and say we are juvenile


Depends on who he fighting with these days


Who knows, if he can find some way to criticize he should be stopping in


He may offer us a few new wives

Tired, guess that wasn’t as interesting as could have been but am willing to bet we are over 75% correct

Rumor has it......

That a few people have been a bit miffed at our descriptions of them, tough :-)

Actually it was never our intent to disparage people, unlike a few other blogs, but to simply parody their posting style, let you see yourself as other see you

Maybe we should "increase" the temperature a little, but it appears the truth is enough to get under the skin of some, so.............

Another one

Another late 40's maybe 50 ish poster (Not that age is any problem, just funny when some people don't seem to realize it is a natural process and are determined to believe it somehow escaped them) who is critical of "Sankies" and "Sankietees" but partakes in that very same adventure. Dress is very inconsistent with true age and probably the most obvious of all the boards in trying to look 20 years younger than really is. Needs a fashion consultant and clothing about 2 sizes larger

We were going to post "our observations" of a few others today, but it is more interesting posting what we think the persons style is and see who agrees with us before publishing, so far one for one

And as an aside, don't think we won't include a past observation we have made in the "Whose the poster" contest as we obviously already used some of the more popular and controversial names

Seeing I do have to work for a living, I may not get back on this one until Sunday, but give it a go and will answer then, along with what may be some colorful comments from Ed (Rellosk). Ed, don't disappoint us, it's nothing personal, just how we and obviously many other see you :-)


Guess that was way too easy

Scumsucker slides in front of Dutiful by an hour or so , unfortunately Scum has no posts to remove, so we owe you one, feel free to remind in the future, but I personally have seen no posts by either of you, maybe one of my friends have


He desperately wants people to think he is 40, but Father Time can not be denied. without a doubt the person that complains most about everything, from posts being in the wrong thread to nasty language, to his distaste of board "wars" and , well anything he can think of (Which is limited)He has a secret love in Sosua (So secret she doesn't know about it) poor thing is always trying to get anyone visiting Sosua to help her out I mean the guy is so anal every time he wipes his ass his cheap toupee has to be re glued

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The very first NAME THAT POSTER.This should be easy

Won't say if he has been "profiled" or not, but if you don't get this one I have no idea how I can make an easier question

Will post answers tomorrow night and first to get it right gets one derogatory remark about him/her removed at their request (Either our "commentary" or a comment by others

God, it feel as though we have "power,"
No wonder some of these forum owners wack it off every night after reading thier boards :-) (certain guy has to be almost blind by now)

At least we are equal opportunity bashers, and all those who feel "left out," don't worry, it takes time to figure out your personalities and you WILL be mentioned

It seems a few posters have taken exception to our tiny little blurb, what I can do to make you happy is absolutely F**** nothing, you dish it out, take it like a wimp, err man, woman, whatever you are or aspire to be

OK, who is it:

He desperately wants people to think he is 40, but Father Time can not be denied. without a doubt the person that complains most about everything, from posts being in the wrong thread to nasty language, to his distaste of board "wars" and , well anything he can think of (Which is limited)

He has a secret love in Sosua (So secret she doesn't know about it) poor thing is always trying to get anyone visiting Sosua to help her out I mean the guy is so anal every time he wipes his ass his cheap toupee has to be re glued

I really expect this to be a slam dunk for everyone

Still could use some help/editing comments

As you hopefully can see, we are trying not to delete ANY comments. We did have to delete several that were seemingly from same person, would have loved to leave part of the comments but can't figure out how to edit comments (We would note any editing)

To the person who asked "why edit if the person leaves their name?" We don't want to edit at all but there are limits to language and threats to others that we don't feel comfortable with, sort of a rocky situation

Who ever wanted me to post a picture with my "wife, "why are you so certain it wouldn't be with my husband? Post yours and we shall reciprocate!

Will be trying to search for some new posters, have found archived comments that are great , but from posters who no longer seem to post but that wouldn't be much fun
Many of the more "colorful" and certainly intelligent posters have ceased to post for whatever reasons so doubt anyone wants to read about a person no longer around?

Time for a name that poster contest, tomorrow I hope

Fell free to send your commentary regarding certain posters, they will be seen by no one but us and posted as from us with mention that they were "suggested" by a reader

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I need help

Anyone that knows the bog site tell me how to edit comments so I can leave part of the comment and edit out objectionable material?

Maybe we should rethink the description of certain posters?

Wow, found another Blog directed at DR1 posters, but their sole purpose is to spew their hate at one particular person and talk back and forth to themselves! It is of course populated by only 1-2 people taking back and forth to one another with only one subject/person, cmon, Adam Baldwins blog mentions someone else now and then.(We should talk, only 2 people here as of know) but we are TRYING to keep our blog honest, somewhat "stinging" but honest in it's content We actually ask that you post a comment if you feel any person or poster has unfairly been characterized and include the names and characteristics of people you feel should be included.

Back to that other Blog; That is the type of things that will make Google (Owner of this blog and the other one referred to) either drop free hosting or make the owners public, nothing but pure slander/libel (Never know which is which) and personal hatred for one person. It comes from a disturbed mind after reading the blog, someone obsessed with the owner of a Sosua eatery, Funny thing is, there was a post on promoting that blog and one particular person posted at least 8 times in that 16 post thread, all saying this person deserved it as he should , well basically be hung from a tree for his actions. Man talk about super envy, whew!

YOU make the conclusions who created that poisonous blog and likely created problems for everyone who likes the idea of free expression, and I mean free in that Google is paying for it Write to Google and demand they monitor people like that, it is your responsibility if you want to keep the Internet truly free

Well, this isn't a "pro" or "Con" anyone, just equal opportunity harmless commentary, so off that other subject and back to laughing at people As we read more and more message boards, we will offer our unique observations of the posters on, and, some may not like it, some may see the exact same personalities we fact, maybe we should run a contest and post a personality and see who can "Name that fool?" A Jeopardy of DR Posters, we give the traits, you give the name?

On one sad note, we have to now moderate comments as one person who is surprisingly commented on today, pasted so many whining nasty comments they had to be removed, there was nothing left to moderate :-(

We will do our best to post ALL comments in their entirety, you can even leave your name if you like. we will edit language

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

News Flash

We had a visitor post this link on DR1, anyone care to guess what happened?

The all knowing all seeing fools


This is not the place to come if you want to find information about the Dominican Republic.

It is the place to come if you want to view or read opinions of the ex pats and a few Dominicans that live there, clouded over by the opinions of North Americans and a few Europeans who truly believe they know all.

This is a sort history of my Experiences of the “Parent Board, “ and its estranged wives, and

First, I will try to give you a slight rundown of the actors; it is confusing at best, laughable at truth and very sad in reality.

These are people with nothing to do day in and out but to sit at a computer and tell you how great they are, how bad some others may be and what a wonderful place their part of the country is

You really need to view the media gallery on to put a face to these people to get the true impact and ability to kill yourself laughing at their posts

Lest start with some of the principles;

Robert One of the proprietors of DR1. He believes in his soul that DR1 is the greatest thing since beer, can not ever be wrong about anything, especially Footbal, wrong and will Praise you one moment and gut you the next, whatever serves his purpose

He will regale you with his travels, how he established businesses on 6 continents, had lovers from 23 countries etc., in reality he is a dumpy
Little Englishman who couldn’t get laid until he went to the DR and paid.

Dolores The other owner of DR1, the money behind the game. She desperately believes herself to be a meteorologist, Intellect, economist, and the second coming of Coco Chanel

Hillbilly They say he is not Dominican but has lived in the DR longer than the DR has been a country, so what do you call him? As a rule he is helpful and knowledgeable, but dare challenge him on hi suggestions and you get chastised, rebuffed and thoroughly insulted

Rocky An owner of a somewhat dubious eatery in Sosua, depending on who is talking his place is either Four seasons or Somali fast food. He is the self appointed Police Chief of Sosua, the man of Law and Order and always ready to face down the evils that may harm the tourism or his townsfolk,. (Check the media gallery, Barney Fife quickly comes to mind)

Escott Formerly the buddy of Rocky, now his hated nemesis. He believes himself the Donald trump and Wolfgang Puck of the DR combined! He will thrill you with takes of money made, women conquered and dinners with the president, he also owns a Sosua eatery of questionable renown (Starting to get the picture?) Rocky claims people have received food poisoning at Escott's restaurant, Quixote’s

GWB Or Bushbaby as he likes to be known (Banana Leaf Papa to the sex tourist crowd). An aged Canadian that seems to border on pedophilia except for the equally aged lady he lives with; she who must be obeyed or “Ginny” They seem to make a living out of doing “favors” for newcomers then add a little “well if you are coming down, could you bring me” Harmless all in all, but very sanctimonious

Ginnie Other half of GWB, literally, though they live in same condo, they post and talk with each other online as if they hardly know one another. You know, one says it is raining and the other immediately pipes in with “Of course Ginnie Dear, you are correct” Not exactly their type of comment but you get the drift

AZB An Arab Chiropractor (What a shock, huh?) who apparently could not make it in the USA, He is in his 40’s or 50’s, paunchy and bald and loves to talk of his conquests of ‘University girls” The conquest of a University girl takes 20 dollars, nothing else needed

Miguel A stubby little mouth that never quits, tells you how he holds doors for ladies in one breath, how he knocked out Joe Louis with the other. He is good for entertainment value only, and be careful, when he starts writing it is pages upon pages of nothing, just read first and last sentence A person suffering from a serious inferiority complex

NALS A Dominican in Exile who believes he knows the answer to all of the world’s problems, as long as he can find them on the internet. Need I say more?

Chris Female version, a displaced (from several countries she is displaced) Afrikaner who has such a high opinion of herself no one need offer another, care to ask her? She claims to be in either the Satellite technology business or organic chocolate body lotions sales, you decide. Oh yes, she is also a certified Doctor of Meteorology and Master Electrician

Domicanscot Claims to be a “Correctional “officer in the USA with friends in high places. This “Correctional Officer” carries a gun and badge, so beware
Remember what Jimmy Cagney called Correctional Officers, Screws and Duds this guy apparently runs another website that caters to men posting about their conquests of Dominican hookers, what a man what a man

AnnaC A poor old Canadian who has seen better days, she controls the section about love connection in the DR, need I say more?

Chuckuindy Actually a breath of fresh air. A 60ish Gentleman that makes no secret that he goes to the DR to have sex with younger girls and pay of it, He harbors no illusions and his candid style earns him much hatred from many of the board. If nothing else, the mans says it like it is

Ken He has many posts but hasn’t been doing much in my tenure. He appears to be a decent retired man with his wife living in a condo near Sosua with his main concern being the rules and regulations of his condo association.
He also says he was once a boatman and offers much advice on sailing the Caribbean Think retired bean counter nervously trying to squeeze one more drop of prune juice out of that bottle

Mirador If you can figure him out good luck, he appears by his knowledge of times past and current events to be an aged intellectual that spent too much time partaking in the mood altering substances of the 60’s

DannyW One of those rare participants who use the board to gather information for living in the DR, does not become involved in controversy and generally asks questions but is quick to offer help only if he has actual knowledge

Rtejeda new to the system, very radical political agenda, not sure what it is but seems to run contrary to those on the forum intelligent enough to understand what he is saying

RickSnyder Retired US Military man, extremely anal and unable to think outside the box, takes him a half hour to day good evening

Laurapasinifan Has a girlfriend in DR, enjoys extreme sports and generally asked pointed questions until he was set upon by the dogs. Now he will sometimes act as the others, but generally appears to have a life outside of his computer

CamdenTom Real estate guy moving from USA to DR, doesn’t say much unless it is to attack other people? Lacks the courage to stand up to anyone, especially women. If confronted he will quickly try to say the other person is an imposter out “to get him,” (Like someone would want him?)

XR another Tom, runs a competing board after fighting on He is described as a tattooed bejeweled Napoleon living in the woods someplace East of Cabarete

Twhiteehad As Tom’s go along, a seeming backstabbing loyalty flipping creature, follows the crowd he believes will most accept him, none do except in his very small capacity mind

Diego Owner and Administrator of Uses the forum to primarily promote his pay for your wife site

HOWMAR Frustrated lawyer wannabe, actually a file clerk at Wal-Mart warehouse that dispenses reams of incorrect information in an “Authoritative” manner, real bullshit artist